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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Pte 2128986 Albert Frossell

Raster Scanning

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This is my Gt Uncle on my mothers side.

He served in the above unit, during the war and as part of the army of occupation.

I am interested in what his unit was doing from September 1918 until March 1919.

I am also interested in the shape and colour of the battle patch he is wearing.

Any help will be appreciated.



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Here's a scan of all the 1st Canadian Division flashes. I will add a seperate close up of the 8th Bn flash. This is taken from the special souvenir edition of The Canadian Veteran of 30 July 1938 which was printed to commemorate a special reunion of the Canadian Corps.


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Thanks Paul.

Exactly what I wanted, I will email you over the weekend.

Neil thanks for taking the time to reply, I have already got a copy of his papers from the Canadian National Archives, but had not got round to looking at the war diary. I am about to do that now.

Thanks again.


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