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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Wickford's Heroes by Steve Newman


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What a pleasant surprise as I opened the post and found...

'Wickford's Heroes' The Wickford and Runwell Roll of Honour book by forum pal Steve Newman.

Having just spent the last couple of hours having a good read I felt I needed to scribe a few words about it.

First impressions - A truly superbly put together book on excellent quality paper, some really stunning photos and extremely well laid out and informative.

Having met Steve I know how much this book means to him and how much hard work he has put into it. ALL the proceeds from the sale of this book go to Wickford War Memorial Project which is a good enough reason itself to make a purchase but that aside it is a book that Steve should fell immensely proud of.

I'm not sure how many Steve had printed but cheque books out for a good cause and a lovely book.

Congratulations Steve


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Mine was waiting for me when I got in from work last night. I have only had time to skim through it but, as Glyn said, the care and effort put into this publication is obvious. I am proud to be associated with this book, if only in a very small way, and heartily congratulate Steve on a stunning achievement.

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A remarkable effort by the mail and Steve's book reached this out-post in an 'Other Theatre' in only four days!

An equally fine achievement by Steve and his team has produced an excellent book in support of a very worthy cause.

I second all the remarks made by the Pals above, and would only add that I think that "Wickford's Heroes" have been done proud.

The tribute is very comprehensive including as it does, a small boy killed by a VI [stanley Jones aged 10] and at least one serviceman who died post-WWII in Palestine.

The best of luck with The Wickford War Memorial Project

and with the book -"Wickford's Heroes"


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They are available from:

Steve Newman,

Burr Hall,

Runwell Road,


Essex, SS1 7PN.

The cost is £14.50 with all monies going to the war memorial project.

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Slow as I am I congratulate Steve!

Thanks for the book and I'll be reading it.

As others have already stated: a great effort and end product. Bril.



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Many thanks for kind comments, I am pleased that you all feel its a fitting tribute to 'my' local lads.

It is a reflection on this forum though the amount of knowledge, expertise and kindness in helping that is out there. I would so strongly recommend even if not for publication, others researching and writing up their local men its a real journey. It's also now interesting seeing the project move from the research side, to fund raising and planning for our renovated the memorial. The book has the double edge of not only raising money but also firing up interest locally for the project as a whole.

As was mentioned in an earlier post copies are limited to 600, cost £14.50 and are available through myself, either PM or you can email direct from the website in my signature, with ALL monies going to the memorial project there's really no reason not to!!

Kind regards


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My battlefield trip has delayed my being able to read the book thoroughly enough to do it justice, hence my late appearance on this thread.

I'll declare an interest now. Two of my relations are in there, and I helped Steve with photos and information.

Probably the hardest thing that anyone who undertakes a work of this nature has to do is deal with the fact that it is essentially a list - Fred, born here, died there. Bill, born here, died there, etc. I'm very impressed by Steve's efforts to avoid this my having regular "scene setters", and I was especially taken - as an addict - with his use of Wickford Cricket Club as a metaphor for the loss to the community. He has made a great effort to extract the maximum information, making good use of period local sources - the appeals for information in the local newspaper are especially touching - and presents it fluently and clearly.

Well done, Steve! It's a great work, a good read and superbly presented. I've seen professionally published works that would be deeply embarrassed by yours. And you've added to my knowledge of my family. You'll need a lift when I finally get to an Essex Pals meet, because I'm sure I won't be the only one buying you a drink!


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