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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Remarkable Newspaper Photo


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This remarkable newspaper photo came with a medal group in my collection. The fellow marked with a V is 1st Battalion (Western Ontario) CEF.

I know the photo is quite poor in quality, but could any members give me a possible date in which this was snapped or further information about this photo. Have you seen this one before?

Any suggestions welcome.




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With the box respirators it must be 1917/18; I realise they were introduced in late 1916, but no CEF units on the Somme had them, and they don't seem to have been issued with them until after the winter of 1916/17. I haven't seen this photo before - are some of those with a 'x' named?

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Thanks Paul, yes that is very helpful, and the kind of thing I wanted to know. Vannan won his MM at Passchendale on November 6, 1917 and I wondered if this was a photo taken then, or at the Somme the previous winter. You have easily answered that question.

Sadly the man marked with an X is not named.

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Great pic - obviously cut out of contemporary newspaper by someone who cared about individual(s). Any more provenance? It's such a 'real' picture. Fed up marching, cold, wet, show me a dry corner picture. I would say 17 or early 18.

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when you buy your medals etc.. do you go to a reputable dealer, or do you evey buy anything from ebay for example...

The only trio I have I bought from the Shell Hole


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The collecting community is actually fairly small, and you get to know who has what, and where to get the good stuff. You develop, with the experience of many years, too sense when a photo and a group of medals is TOO good to be true. I think I am a pretty good judge when something is not right.

The Vannan groups comes with at least 45-50 pieces of original documentation that range from photographs to Christmas cards from France. He always seems to mark himself in a photo with a V. It is so rare to have a photograph of your man actually in full battle order, never mind actually at the front! Which makes this such a good find.

I have another well documented group that includes a photo of 'my man' actually in a front line trench c1915; Cameras were not allowed at the front, and it is obvious that this particular photo was taken under cover, or at least in haste. (I will post it if you like)

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I would say it is more likely the photo was taken the winter of 17/18 or at earliest the late winter of 16/17. I say this because of the absence of PH Helmet bags and not the presence of SBR's. It was common to issue PH helmets alongside SBR's into April 1917.

Issue of SBR's to the Canadian Corps began in November 1916 and for all applicable purposes was over by Dec 16/Jan 17. "Canadian Corps Trench Standing Orders" printed in Dec 1916 specifically address SBR's.

The 1st Battalion was issued SBR's on 9 November 1916 at Maisnil aux Bouche (sp). The 27th Bn had them by the 15th of November 1916, etc.

Unfortunately, just going by the SBR's this photo could have been taken as early as 9 Nov 1916 for the 1st Bn.

Joe Sweeney

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