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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Brig.-Gen. H.C. Rees

Walter Kortooms

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Brigadier-General H.C. Rees, 150th Brigade 50th Division, was taken P.O.W. on 27th May 1918 on the Chemin des Dames. The next day Brig.-Gen. Rees met the Kaiser on 28th May 1918 on the Winterberg (Plateau de Californie). In the book “Last of the Ebb” by Sidney Rogerson there are 2 photographs of this “happy” occasion.

Brig.-Gen. was repatriated in december 1918.

Is there more information about this meeting and where can I find more information about Brig.-Gen. Rees (Regiment, life before and after the war, etc…).


Walter Kortooms

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You will find a lot of the information you require in "Bloody Red Tabs" p 183, by Frank Davies and Graham Maddocks, Leo Cooper 1995.

ISBN 0 85052 463 6

Terry Reeves

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Apologies for late reply - been out of the country and am catching up on postings! H.C.Rees left a lengthy accountof his war service at the Imperial War Museum and this can be viewed by visitors. Covers (as I recall) the details of his capture, meeting with the Kaiser etc. and his other service, part of which was with the 38th Welsh Division, hence my interest.

Bernard Lewis

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Guest John Orfei


Not at all, my mistake I really should be wearing my B) . However, the site in question I found very intriguing. Thank's again.

Regards, John

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