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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

5th Royal Scots


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Are there any lists showing men who served with this Bn before the outbreak of war?

Reason I ask is that a soldier I am currently studying is known to have been with 5th RS in 1912 but went to France in May 1915 as a Pte of the RAMC. I'm not sure why he transferred. Could have been time expired I suppose.

His name was John Heriot Stevens.

His number at that time I presume to have an RAMC one (it was 31564). Anything that would help me with his RS number of dates of service would be just great.

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Have you tried looking for a file under WO97? I have found quite a few TF men who served between 1908 and 1913 in there who were discharghed T of E, discharged through accident or illness or unfit, or who bought themselves out. A long shot, but might be worth a look.

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