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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Aubers Ridge

n cherry

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Any forum member got a view on this BE series book?

Obviously the 1915 battles are often forgotten so nice to hear of Aubers Ridge being covered....haven't seen it myself so asking for some comments......

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I have it and took it with me when Broomers and I did early battles, in May past. Well up to the usual standards. A definite yes if you are going to the area. Neuve Chapelle and the two Loos books complete the set. Well worth the very reasonable price.

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Thanks....the last time I was in that area I think the only thing out was the Michael Gavaghan pocket book.....I met him on 1st July 2006 in Mill Road Cemetery when both of us were hiding from the crowds at Thiepval......will get it on order....

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Can only agree with TR - this one, Neuves Chappelle and the two Loos books are a must for visiting the area as is the one by a certain forum member for reading beforehand.

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Same reply as others, I have it, like it & used whilst visiting the area this year.

Mick D

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  • 2 years later...

An excellent book for an introduction to the battle.

I wanted to gain an overall perspective as it was where my great-uncle Percy was wounded and subsequently invalided out of the war.

It gets the thumbs up from me :thumbsup:


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We used the book to tour the Aubers battlefield a couple of months ago. The content is very good with regards to the events of the battle but under no circumstances use the photographs with the imposed unit positions on them. If they are to be believed then the southern flank of the attack was some 200 yards wide !!

The estimated position of the cinder track as shown on the photograph was shown to be a long way out by Linesman and I don't mean a few feet, more like a few hundred yards.

So a decent enough book but badly in need of an update in some areas.

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