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Books for Christmas - what did you get?

Max Poilu

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Christmas would not be Christmas without at least one 14-18 book from a loved one (with a little help of course... ;)).

Nice trio this year of Will Bird's Thirteen Years After, Simon Jones 'WW1 Gas Warfare" and Peacock's "Second Alternative Guide to the Western Front'.

How did you get on?

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Gifts were Steady the Buffs by Mark Connelly and a profile on the SE5a.

Plus a few books I treated myself two that include Band of Brigands, The Good Soldier, Quinn's Post and Military Antiques & Collectables of the Great War: A Canadian Collection.

Should keep me going for the holiday.

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Mr Morse's book on the 9th Foresters.

That's it :angry2:

Reduced to getting books out of the library.....I can recommend Simon Bradley's book on St Pancras Station.

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The Seventh Division 1914-1918, The Good Soldier and German Assault Troops of the First World War. Also got for myself Cliff Housley's book on 12th Sherwoods. Got the family generally trained now. When asked what I want for Christmas, I mention only books and give them a list! One son thinks books are pretty boring, but persistance paid off this year. Bless him!

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Peter Barton's 'Passchendaele' and Jack Sheldon's 'German Army at Passchendaele'. Had the family well trained :rolleyes:


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for the first time in a good many years i did not receive one book on the great war, in fact the only book i did receive is ' too soon for a mid-life crisis!' LOL

Enjoy your books,


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All 3 reprinted volumes of Wyrall's "The History of the King's Regiment (Liverpool) 1914-1919" and a 1934 copy of "Ich Dien: The Prince of Wales Volunteers (South Lancashire)" by Whalley-Kelly.

The last one was quite expensive from Abe Books, so Santa was very good indeed !!!!

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Mr Morse's book on the 9th Foresters.

That's it :angry2:

Wish someone had got me that one :rolleyes:

Ypres The First Battle 1914 and Passchendaele 1917.

Plus the CDs for BMDs Officers and ORs World War 1.

They will keep me happy when I am not counting socks :blush:

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You got socks? I would have loved to have gotten socks, mine keep disappearing!


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the only book i did receive is ' too soon for a mid-life crisis!' LOL

Enjoy your books,


They must have it in the present drawer for a while then. <_<

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"boy soldiers of the great war" - found that a young Coldstreamer was killed on his 16th birthday

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No-one ever buys me WW1 books (or anything else WW1 related for that matter) for Christmas :( .Too many years of recieving "doubles" put paid to this, I suppose.

However, a nice set of French trenchmaps arrived in the post on Christmas Eve (which i bought myself). Does this count?


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Santa brought me

Bradford Pals by David Raw

Lest we Forget (War Memorials) by Peter Ashley

War Memorials in Britian by Jim Corke

The Faces of World War 1 by Max Arthur

Remembered (The History of the C.W.G.C.) by Julie Summers


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I had 'Forgotten Voices of the Great War' so far its a good read, I quite like it.

Thats it for books, except a Jeremy Clarkson book but thats not ww1.

My main present was a laptop and going to Austria with the Uni, so i didnt ask for much else, still need some credit with the parents when the loan runs out (again) :lol:


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No-one ever buys me WW1 books (or anything else WW1 related for that matter) for Christmas :( .Too many years of recieving "doubles" put paid to this, I suppose.

However, a nice set of French trenchmaps arrived in the post on Christmas Eve (which i bought myself). Does this count?


Dave, I thought we all had to buy the books ourselves for others to wrap and 'give' to us, otherwise you end up with a load of old tut...

Either that or my four year old is a genius - he bought me the Gas book... ;)

Miss the old pre-ebay days though when your wife could wander round a French arms fair and easily find get some lovely surprises for the big day.

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I am so jealous.

Broomers!!!!!!!!! time for your medical i think! Matron?


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As I was handed a book in wrapping paper on Christmas morning I thought "Oh No" as I had not asked for anything related, but was very happy to find Hew Strachans 'The First World War'. :)

Treated myself this year with 'Magnificent But Not War' and 'Massacre Of The Innocents'

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1916 Experience Verdun and the Somme

Latest Charley's War "Blues Story"

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I had my Christmas list fulfilled by the family.

Remembered - Great photographs

The Last Fighting Tommy

Passechendale by Peter Barton.

Now if I had some time I could get down to some serious reading.

Best wishes


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The 1st World War in cartoons

Remembered: The History of the CWGC

The last fighting Tommy

Faces of WW1

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