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British Embroidered Shoulder Titles


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Phew - wipes sweat from brow relieved.

Anyway Grumpy lets hope you have a Happy New Year, as do all the boys and girls here on this great Forum and I look forward to seeing more of your posts on rank & trade in 2008. Hope my last e.mail arrived OK, as it will be of much interest to you.

All the very, very best for 2008.


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Sorry to intrude, but this thread has set me wondering. Attached is a (not very good) photo of an HAC title, which I have had for years. I have no idea where it came from, but I've always wondered whether it might be GW. Any thoughts, anyone?

Ta, and Happy New Year all



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Happy New Year to Graham, Broomers and indeed all at Number One [ie the Number One Great War site] not to mention he-who-must-be-obeyed.

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I have my grandfathers crossed rifle marksman badge and Lewis Gunners badge, both are brass. He is wearing these in the photos I have of him in uniform. Would he have worn these at the front or would they have been replaced with cloth ones?


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There was no systematic process for exchanging gilding metal ['brass'] for worsted embroidered. Both had advantages and disadvantages ..... but the RSM and adjutant may have imposed standardisation.

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The Grenadier Guards title shown in the re-enactment image above is the WWII version with rounded ends. The WW1 version was square-ended, as below:


Also: herewith an image of a 1915 RFA tunic, for illustrative purposes, showing the slip-on sewn to the epaulette...


Best wishes,


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Smashing, as all of the illustrations I've come across seem to show squared end titles. That HAC title is the infantry branch, which is affiliated to the Grenadiers and so are permitted to follow the rounding of their titles. This same privilage was I believe extended to all units which served with the Guards Armoued Division during the last War.


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Hello all,

This image of Gloucestershire poet Ivor Gurney shows the title 'Gloucester T5' in use. See my posting on Gore Blimey caps for a cartoon of this title in the Glosters Gazette.



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That HAC title is the infantry branch, which is affiliated to the Grenadiers and so are permitted to follow the rounding of their titles.


So my HAC title is WW2 then?

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So my HAC title is WW2 then?
That would be my thinking.

As for the Gloucester T 5 from Tocemma; here's another thread showing the title in a period photgraph and an example of the real thing...

Gloucester T 5

Best wishes,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Some very good information coming through about these titles... keep it coming. Connected to this, but slightly as a side question, does anyone know any modern day firms who reproduce these curved embroidered titles?


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As graham has said a number of us may have photo's of the Guards

I have three squads of Grenadiers Cpl Percival's sqaud Jan 1916 wearing cloth slip over grenade over GG see the photo

Cpl Barter squad some with cloth some with metal and Cpl Palmers squad majority have metal only one or two cloth

portrait of Guardsman Heywood Title has SQUARE ends

My Coldtream, Scottish and Irish portraits all wear metal titles and the Squad photo of Coldsteam Guards are only wearing CG and no rose.


John Sheen


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  • 5 years later...
Guest gordons75/92

I am putting together a 2nd bn Scots guards for ww1reenacting/living history.what I need to know is what type shoulder titles were worn,what the pioneer Sgt. Would have worn,&when did the diced pieces stop being worn above the side buttons?also where can I get any of these?

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