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The Coldstream Guards 1885-1914 - Sir John Hall CBE


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I have been lucky to have been given a book which was given to my uncle in 1932 by his father(my grandfather). We were always lead to believe that he was in the 2nd battallion, Coldstream Guards, but it seems he wasn't. There is another thread somewhere all about him, so I won't bore you with the details.

Anyway back to the book. It's in perfect condition, and has various fold-out maps in it of different areas of South Africa. Sir John Hall apparently died just before it was published, and didn't see it finished. There are various pages in the back, giving details of the men. These include a list of the officers who played in a footbal match at Donkerhoek on 18 July 1900. There's also a good description of a Coldstream blockhouse by 2nd Lieut. Sir Walter Barttelot.

Most interesting is a list of honours and rewards. It's so interesting, I haven't got very far reading it yet, but I still haven't found my grandfather in it. I've searched for little clues, in case he's in there somewhere, but no luck!!

I did get chance to see the tiny bible that my grandfather carried in the war with him as well. Unfortunately it has lost its cover, but looks as though it was edged around the pages with gold. There isn't a date on it, or anything else other than the new testament. I gather it is from WW1, but my uncle said it was from the Boer war, could that be right?

He also had a crucifix, in a leather pouch, that he was given, and carried in the Boer War.

If anybody needs something looked up in the book, I am happy to look for you, although lots of you may already have it.



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not really WW1 so Ill send you a PM - was this the chap we tried to find and couldnt ? Boring, never!

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not really WW1 so Ill send you a PM - was this the chap we tried to find and couldnt ? Boring, never!

Hi Ian

Yes you're right, I'm still looking for him!!

The book goes right up to three days before WW1 started, it's hard to find forums about the Boer war, and I know there are members on this site who are also experts in that area. If it helps someone in any way it will have been worth posting the thread.


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Thanks - pics recd fine


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  • 6 months later...
Guest Sinner

I was wondering if you could give me the exerpt from the book which mentions "Mr Mathis" from Waterval Onder. Google snippets says its on Page 204. Mr Mathis was my great great grandfather, and I'm having trouble finding out about him. Many thanks for any help.



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if you dont get a reply send me a PM as its not WW1 related and Ill try and find out for you

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