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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Mayor of Messines

Guest ariadic

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Sorry to bother everyone! i was just wondering if anyone could tell me who the Mayor of Messines was in 1914? My great grandfather mentions talking to him a lot during the first battle!



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Eudoxe Victoor (1886-1921)

Eudoxe-Arthur-Sylvère Victoor was born in Mesen on September 12th 1853 as son of Edouard-Eugene, clerck of notary, nephew of the old Burgomaster Pierre-Jean Victoor and of Caroline Godtschalk of Wijtschate. He was married to Leontine Lannoy from Menen, widow of Nestor Victoor.

Victoor became alderman by Royal warrant on Februari 6th 1882. His appointment as Mayor came only a year after the then Mayor Deneckere died. He was officially invested on February 16th 1886. He was 33 years old at the time. He was a landowner and lived in a small chateau in the Slijpstraat. At that time the street was and is still known as the Mayor’s street. This was due partly to the fact that nearly the whole of the East side of the street was his property.

As of old the Liberals have always provided the Mayor of Mesen. So also Eudoxe Victoor was a Liberal. He did not however follow a radical course as his predecessor had done. He did not, fore example, oppose the founding of a new catholic boy’s school in the town.

When he was 61 years old and having been Mayor for 28 years the war broke out. He fled to Paris. There he became chairman of the “Association des sinistrés de la flandre Occidentale. (Assoc. for war victims of west Flanders)He was then also a Senator ad interim.

When the war ended, he did not believe in the rebuilding of Mesen. Although many people returned, he himself went and lived in Lille (FR). Because of his absence the return of the Royal institute of Mesen was not considered and it was decided to move to Lede. In 1921 he also gave up the office of Mayor of the town. He was succeeded by Isidore Deleu. He later returned and became member of the “Commission of management of the Royal institute. “ Eudoxe Victoor died on June 15th, 1930. In the left choir of the church is a stained glass window that was donated by him and his wife .

(translated in part from “De burgemeesters van Mesen 1800-1983 “ an article in the Iepers kwartier N° 2 of 1984)

This is what I could find out about him.

If you yourself have any information relative to him I would be interested.


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