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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Remembered Today:

Death Notice. Last German Veteran of WW1 dies.

James Blonde

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Dr. Erich Kästner (March 10, 1900 – January 1, 2008) was the last known German veteran of the First World War. At the time of his death, he was the second-oldest man in Germany (the oldest one did not serve).

Kästner joined the army in July 1918 in the "Sonder-Bataillon Hauck", and served on the Western Front. It is said that he marched in a parade before Kaiser Wilhelm II in November 1918. He later also took part in the Second World War.

Kästner held a doctorate in law. He lived with the family of his son at Hanover. His wife died in 2003 aged 102.

May He + Rest In Peace. +

Connaught Stranger.

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Gosh what an innings this chap had! 108 is jolly good going.

He must have seen plenty of changes in his lifetime not to mention all the inventions that have taken place over the period. Was there a photo of him posted in the German papers? Would love to have a glimpse of what the old veteran looked like.

May his soul rest in peace +


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So now an entire army has passed into history.

But, as a Doctor, Kastner led a useful and productive life.

Was he the veteran whom Harry Patch met, as shown on TV a year or two back?

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God rest his soul. My grandfather fought the Germans the first time around, my dad did so the second time. Neither of them is alive today. Reminds me of the old song, "Ich hatt einen Kamaraden...." I think the following is appropriate for the occasion.

Ict hatt' einen Kameraden

Ich hatt' einen Kameraden

einen bessern findst du nicht.

Die Trommel schlug zum Streite,

er ging an meiner Seite

in gleichem Schritt und Tritt

(in gleichem Schritt und Tritt).

Eine Kugel kam geflogen,

gilt sie mir, oder gilt sie dir,

sie hat ihn weggerissen,

er liegt zu meinen Fssen,

als wars ein Stck von mir

(als wars ein Stck von mir).

Will mir die Hand noch reichen,

dieweil ich eben lad'.

Kann dir die Hand nicht geben,

bleib du im ew'gen Leben

mein guter Kamerad

(mein guter Kamerad).

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Vale Herr Kastner

The AIF of the Great War has passed into history and now the German Army.

Can anyone inform me of the number of surviving veterans from all nations of this terrible conflict?

Lest We Forget


Vale Herr Kastner

The AIF of the Great War has passed into history and now the German Army.

Can anyone inform me of the number of surviving veterans from all nations of this terrible conflict?

Lest We Forget


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+ Rest in Peace +


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A generation passes into history.

R.I.P. Erich

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I'll be raising a glass to the memory of Erich Kastner tonight. The Great War takes one more step into history with his passing.

This makes at least two raising a glass to Erich Kastner's memory.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Herr Kastner's passing calls to mind the title of Farrar-Hockney's book Death of an Army. A salute to the last of the Kaiser's men.



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Just wondering: who/which organisation is keeping track of how many veterans are still alive for each country?

And how accurate can they be?


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Adrian - the German veteran Harry Patch met was Charles Kuentz - he died a couple of years ago.

Pop - this page from Wikipedia gives the surviving veterans - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surviving_vet..._of_World_War_I

RIP Erich

Magic Rat

Thanks for the info. I was surprised that there is still a surviving Aussie!

I thought all had gone to God.

Will do some research on this

Thanks again



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