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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Book Review


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Title: The 50th Battalion in No Man's Land

Authour: Victor W. Wheeler

Publisher: CEF Books

ISBN: 1-896979-15-7

Stars: 4.5 (out of 5)

This book is about a signaler in the 50th Bn (Alberta) in WWI. There are 24 chapters covering the authours indoctrination to battle, leave, and movements throughout the Western Front. There are a couple of maps and few pictures but this does not detract from the book what so ever.

The battle scenes that are described puts you right in the trench with the authour as he is ducking the German Mortars and Heavy bombardments. You also get the feeling of endless marches as the Bn moves from one area to another. He vividly describes the attack on Vimy and the subsequent battles right after. You also feel the loss of his friends when they are either wounded out killed during the battles.

The authour holds no ill feelings towards his enemies and describes them as valiant fighters doing their job for their country.

Only the last couple of chapters describe why he wrote the book, briefly touching on some of his training and upbringing before the war.

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