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Casualty Lists


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Thanks Andy, please keep them coming.


You, and members, may be unaware that nearly all these these types of forms have been transcribed by FMP. Not withstanding that the number, name or even regiment may be wrong on the forms, they are fairly easily searchable. In your case I would just use "Lincolnshire Regiment" and "8th Battalion" in the optional keyword and then view just those records that show only an initial. Just having a quick look I have found the following, excluding the many casualty forms, specific to POWs. Whether they are useful I have no idea, but just demonstrates what is available.




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But which sheets are on FMP and which not?

I just tried a couple of random names off the sheet in post 499 ( Screech and Goldthorpe). This sheet is not on FMP although other service records for these two came up.

Then trying a name off sheet in post 480 however is on FMP thus searchable!

The sheet oin post 481 is also on FMP but interesting that it is a different copy and not a damaged 'burnt' record like post 481.

So clearly worth checking FMP AND this thread !


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But which sheets are on FMP and which not?

I just tried a couple of random names off the sheet in post 499 ( Screech and Goldthorpe). This sheet is not on FMP although other service records for these two came up.

Then trying a name off sheet in post 480 however is on FMP thus searchable!


Strange, I found the first one straight away.


Either way it is a much quicker way to research than waiting in hope that one may be posted which may be relevant.


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Kevin. These lists would possibly be better placed in a thread over on the PoW sub forum. Why not start one?

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Kevin I got the list to come up if I searched for Shellard, the first name on the list , but not if I searched for Screech ! aaaargh! So I agree FMP have seen it.


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Kevin. These lists would possibly be better placed in a thread over on the PoW sub forum. Why not start one?

Not sure that it is necessary when anyone who has a genuine interest in a regiment can search for all the various types of forms that may be found in the records; casualty lists, progress reports, Part II Orders, transfer sheets, POW sheets, etc. etc..

I posted those above for Brian to illustrate that he could, or any other member, may be able to find plenty more records if they are made aware of it and hopefully progress their research.

I imagine that if I wished to look at every page of the thread I would find forms other than casualty or progress reports, but believe me even after 21 pages the surface has only just been scratched.


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Thanks very much. I was aware from post 452 on this thread that these forms were on FMP but I have not searched for them. My grandfather served in 8 Lincs and was taken prisoner at Loos on 26/09/1915. I was trying to identify other men of 8 Lincs made POW on the same day by referring to the January 1916 Munster 2 list on which he appears, PA 4071 to 4090. There are 103 other ranks from 8 Lincs. I will try FMP in the hope that I might find my other grandfather who was wounded in 1916 serving with the RE.


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Please keep them coming. I do not subscribe to FMP nor have an interest in specific regiments. But I am interested in these postings.

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Post #504 refers.

299 SJT. HARRIS, J.A. 3rd N. Fusrs. sick

I took this to be 3rd Northumberland Fusiliers. But as I have a medal which seemed to be to this man I checked the Medal Information Cards searching under Harris 299.

Three cards to S. Harris, Royal Field Artillery. One card to 299 SJT. J.A. HARRIS. 3-LOND. R. The latter is the one whose medal I have.

So does anyone know whether I have misunderstood the 3rd N. Fusrs. and that it is not 3rd Northumberland Fusiliers but has another meaning ?

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Post #504 refers.

299 SJT. HARRIS, J.A. 3rd N. Fusrs. sick

I took this to be 3rd Northumberland Fusiliers. But as I have a medal which seemed to be to this man I checked the Medal Information Cards searching under Harris 299.

Three cards to S. Harris, Royal Field Artillery. One card to 299 SJT. J.A. HARRIS. 3-LOND. R. The latter is the one whose medal I have.

So does anyone know whether I have misunderstood the 3rd N. Fusrs. and that it is not 3rd Northumberland Fusiliers but has another meaning ?

I think they just got the regiment wrong. At least his number and name are correct. Apparently in E Coy if another list is to be believed.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Recently found four pages of casualties, hidden in mans papers.



Number 2


number three


last one number four


Hope they of use to someone. The chaps file is from ancestry

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Having been given a heads up by Kevin on how to search for these on FMP, I began searching for RE casualty lists from September 1916 and the logical place to start was the casualty list in The Times 11/10/1916 in which my grandfather appears. By searching the serial numbers of the RE wounded the lists are starting to emerge. I have checked all the posts on this thread to ensure that I am not duplicating any. Stand by to receive. I will post one a day in order not to swamp Di.


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Having problems posting the images in a size larger than this.

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EDIT Note the stamp either RCA records Dover or RGA Records. Could this be a source of these lists.


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Kings Royal Rifle Corps


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