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Hi Andy two soldiers I am intrested in onre my grandfather :

Private W.A. McGuigan 41672, 8th Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers and L/Cpl X206 D.J.B.Byrne 2nd South African Infantry. Any information would be gratefully received.

Do you know if a death certificate was issued for solders killed in action or never found during the 1st W.W. and if so where can they be obtained?

Best wishes Ian.

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Do you know if a death certificate was issued for solders killed in action or never found during the 1st W.W. and if so where can they be obtained?


Death certificates were issued for all soldiers who died in the war. Those dying overseas can be found in the Overseas Army Registers whilst those who died in the UK are in the domestic registers. Both sets of registers are available on FindmyPast. The actual certificates can then be ordered in the usual way from the GRO.


Army death certificates do not usually contain the same level of detail as their domestic counterparts. Cause of death is usually limited to "Killed in Action", "Died of Wounds" etc and place of death is normally no more specific than the theatre of war.

I can show you an example if it helps.


Mike Shingleton

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Another one for the pot (don't think I've posted this previously) - if you need a larger copy Diane send me a pm.


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List H.895


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Died of Pnuemonia


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Just discovered this one whilst searching on Ancestry

Let me know if you require larger image, Diane.


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This from Scotsman Archives.


Hope this ok to post, if not can delete.

Diane lost your email address, will email any more I find if you pm your address.

Cheers Mike

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List HW.570


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Progress Report 73766


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List HA.10159


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Progress report P.43760


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Hello everyone,

Just to let you all know that Diane has sent me the updated spreadsheet which can be downloaded from my Sons of Galloway site.

A very big well done to you Diane! Give your fingers and keyboard a well-earned rest.

All the best,


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I have found this document amoung a relatives Service Record. He is not named on the list, so I assume it is a straightforward misfile, but it may be a valuable 'jigsaw peice' for someone else!

Transcription (so that the names show up on searches):---

No. 13565 (cont...


4th March 1915

No. Rank Name Corps Casualty

?129 Pte. Thomas, F. 3rd Coldstreams. Frostbite

?1383 Pte. Woodhams, F. 3rd City of London. GSW leg

6673 L.Cpl. Wilkinson,W. 2nd Worcesters. GSW scalp

?1660 Pte. Furminger, F. 2nd Coldstreams. Metatarsalgia

15511 Gnr. Brown, J. RGA Bde Staff. Bronchitis

2318 Pte. Adams, V. 4th Rifle Bgde. Frostbite

?1603 S Mjr. Clegg, A. RAMC 16th F Am. Influenza

?3019 Pte. Tautz, C. R Flying C "A C Pk". VDH

?3037 Pte. Stevenson, W. 1st Royal Scots. Myalgia

2329 L.Cpl. Maghee, P. 2nd South Lancs. Myalgia

?3977 Pte. Richards, J. 2nd gren. gds. Bronchitis

?8988 L.Cpl. Bottomley, A N. 1st Norfolk. GSW Leg

?8119 CSMjr. Moss, C. 1st SW Boarderers. GSW finger

?2202 Pte. Waigh, E G. 3rd City of London. Psoriasis

Deaths 4th March 1915

10469 Pte. Crossfield, G. 2nd East Lancs. GSW head. Died 11.50 pm

5197 Cpl. Sharman, G. 3rd R Welsh Fus, GSW Shoulder, Septicaemia. Died 9.20 pm

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  • 2 weeks later...

List 13580 (cont'd)


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Probably 12129 F thomas

?129 Pte. Thomas, F. 3rd Coldstreams. Frostbite

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That's fantastic. Francis Harold Thomas it is [and I've found his MIC :P ]. Cheers

The only one I can't find any info on from post 243 is ?2202 Waigh, E G 3rd City of London. Any clues?

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The only one I can't find any info on from post 243 is ?2202 Waigh, E G 3rd City of London. Any clues?


Probably this chap:


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