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Casualty Lists


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There are some really interesting features coming out in many of these latest lists.

Since posting the index in February, there are a further 393 lists on the index.  I had been thinking of updating the published index in the next day or so, but now wonder if it would be better to wait until dink999 has published the HD lists he has.  Does anyone have any preferences?

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I would call this – List 23982 pages 2 & 5. It must date to circa 28th May 1915. Page 2 is for amendments to previous lists – 18711 and 19083 both dated to late April 1915. No previous mention I'm aware of for these lists.

Page 5 is for amendments to previous lists – 19097, 19357, 19359 which are dated to early May 1915.

Now it gets complicated. David’s #288 and #294 are also amendments to list 19359.

#288 has had the top cropped off and the actual list number is missing but it’s not a continuation or related to David’s #294 (which is actually part of list 25213, David’s #293).

Ancestry have not scanned #288 so we’re missing its list number (not the numbered amendment lists 19359, 19360, 19365).

All in all this means there are now amendments to 19359 on three different lists – 25213, 23982 and the unknown list for #288. It’s possible the original version of 19359 may turn up one day!





List 25213. It must date to circa 8th June 1915. Pages 5 & 11. See David’s #293. The original lists with errors date to early-mid may 1915 but the amendment list must be later. 25219 is dated to 7th June 1915

Page 5 is amendments to 21610 & 21613 (16th May 1915) and this is a continuation of #293

Page 11 is an amendment to 22106 also a continuation of #293.


So, for List 25213 we have

Page 1 - #293

Page 5 – attached below

Page 11 – attached below





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2 minutes ago, David26 said:

There are some really interesting features coming out in many of these latest lists.

Since posting the index in February, there are a further 393 lists on the index.  I had been thinking of updating the published index in the next day or so, but now wonder if it would be better to wait until dink999 has published the HD lists he has.  Does anyone have any preferences?

I don't really have any preferences but I'm working with the spreadsheet up to page 59. Anything uploaded 59-64 is unchartered territory for me unless I've added them.

If/when a new version is ready I'd like to know if it's just additions from your 4489. I see from the CL index post I'm the only one suggesting corrections so far. I've edited my copy but if other corrections have been made by PM or email? The way I've worked on and adapted your original means it's a simple process to add the additional rows from 4489 but I'd find it difficult to identify corrections (other than mine) for 1 - 4489.


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Thank you, TEW and Dink99. Two for me and one observation. 666 Spr. Eccles  R.H.  R.E. Chesh.153.  I have his victory medal named to 666 SPR. R.H. ECCLES. R.E.  You have 131 Bdr. Burras A.  R.G.A.14 H.B. I have the victory medal to 131 BMBR. A. BURRAS. R.A.  The observation is on your 552 Spr. Colliver S. R.E. (T.F.) Cornwall 28 Din.  I have the 1914/5 star trio to 551 SPR. L. COLLIVER. R.E. With an adjacent service number I am wondering if this is just a coincident or if they are brothers who joined up at the same time and place. Research to do here.

edit.  Definitely brothers of Fowey, Cornwall in the 1901 census. They were in the TF together, adjacent service numbers, adjacent numbers when renumbered (512228 and 512229), same theatre of war (1 - western Europe) and same entry date (24/1/15). Luckily they both survived.

Edited by Jim Strawbridge
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45 minutes ago, TEW said:

I don't really have any preferences but I'm working with the spreadsheet up to page 59. Anything uploaded 59-64 is unchartered territory for me unless I've added them.

If/when a new version is ready I'd like to know if it's just additions from your 4489. I see from the CL index post I'm the only one suggesting corrections so far. I've edited my copy but if other corrections have been made by PM or email? The way I've worked on and adapted your original means it's a simple process to add the additional rows from 4489 but I'd find it difficult to identify corrections (other than mine) for 1 - 4489.


Thanks TEW.

I am hoping to post not just the additional lists but the whole index.  That will include any corrections spotted since the February posting, so including yours as well as ones I have made.  (I am slowly working my way through all of the lists transcribing all of the RFA & RHA men and using that to double check each entry.  I have spotted a small number of errors and corrected those, and that has included a second Progress Report I missed, so there are now two reference numbers with decimals. I have also added in some extra information, in particular page numbers in the comments column). 

I'm afraid though it didn't occur to me that it might be helpful if I made a separate note of which items I have been correcting or adding to, so I hope that that won't cause you too much difficulty?


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7 minutes ago, David26 said:

I'm afraid though it didn't occur to me that it might be helpful if I made a separate note of which items I have been correcting or adding to, so I hope that that won't cause you too much difficulty?


I think keeping tabs on other corrections and additions would just add to the workload. I'm sure I'll be able to find a workaround.


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Continuing the HD lists, all from Find My Past mostly from WO363. There are 2 copies of HD2962 which are damaged in different areas.


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23 hours ago, TEW said:

Now it gets complicated. David’s #288 and #294 are also amendments to list 19359.

#288 has had the top cropped off and the actual list number is missing but it’s not a continuation or related to David’s #294 (which is actually part of list 25213, David’s #293).

Ancestry have not scanned #288 so we’re missing its list number (not the numbered amendment lists 19359, 19360, 19365).

All in all this means there are now amendments to 19359 on three different lists – 25213, 23982 and the unknown list for #288. It’s possible the original version of 19359 may turn up one day!


thank you very much for the detailed analysis of these various amendment lists - that made indexing them rather more straightforward than it would otherwise have been,


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These 17 lists date from July 1917 and cover the Persian Gulf, East Africa and India


















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Simple one from me. HB 15154



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Thank you, dink999. Another two for me. 209 Bom. E. Johnson. R.G.A. 11 H.B.  I have the BWM and victory pair named to  209 CPL. E. JOHNSON. R.A.  Also 216 Gnr. E. Bartlett. R.G.A. 11 H.B. I have the BWM and victory pair to 216 BMBR. E.W.B. BARTLETT. R.A.

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List HA 17181.



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List HB 14453 and a very early list. The latter is all there is, no header, number etc. Previous 'early' lists are November 1914.




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These lists contain 2 different HD 4808 lists from Oct 1917 and 2 different HD 5308 lists from 23 Nov 1917
















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Hello Stiletto,

Matlock has steered me in your direction. I’m trying to find a casualty listing for my great uncle Pte Thomas Arthur Saville 33040 Essex & Bedfordshire Regiments. He was injured at the Somme in 1916 and killed at the Scarpe on 14/4/1917.

Any information gratefully received.


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11 hours ago, Clopae said:

Hello Stiletto,

Matlock has steered me in your direction. I’m trying to find a casualty listing for my great uncle Pte Thomas Arthur Saville 33040 Essex & Bedfordshire Regiments. He was injured at the Somme in 1916 and killed at the Scarpe on 14/4/1917.

Any information gratefully received.



The casualty lists, and other floating documents, can be found by searching FMP with either the Service Number or the Surname and initial. They were on re used unconnected papers. FMP has indexed the names on them under British Army Service Records. I had a look but there is no record of your man on a casualty list or on a Hospital Admission. There are however a lot of mistakes on these forms so he might appear somewhere with an incorrect number or a mis spelt surname.


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Every one of these lists that I have posted here have been found in service records, not the FMP site. I have posted all these lists as and when I come across them, hence if your Uncle has not appeared in this thread then I am sorry but I cannot help you.



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Five more lists not on the Feb index. Apologies if they have been posted since.

HA 7175, HA 10997, HA 32917, HA 33049 and HB 4526.


HA 7175.jpg

HA 10997.jpg

HA 32917.jpg

HA 33049.jpg

HB 4526.jpg

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2 hours ago, stiletto_33853 said:


Every one of these lists that I have posted here have been found in service records, not the FMP site. I have posted all these lists as and when I come across them, hence if your Uncle has not appeared in this thread then I am sorry but I cannot help you.



Thanks Andy.

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A few more from The Persian Gulf & India dated June to November 1918










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