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Casualty Lists


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A few more which I'll put up in smaller batches. First lot are the 1914 lists I've found. There may already be fragments of similar pages but not duplicates of these.

Despite these being Part one and pages 7, 31 & 50 I can't say they are all part of one (so far unnumbered list).

Page 7 has dates up to 17th Nov 1914. Some are published in The Times 3rd Feb 1915.

Page 31 has dates up to 24th Nov 1914. Those published in The Times are up to a month earlier than page 7.

Page 50 has dates up to 22nd Nov 1914. One man published 5th Dec 1914.

As they have no number or a published date I'm not sure of the best way to index them. As 1914 lists are quite rare perhaps for the time being something like 1914_part1_7 etc.?

I did start with page 50 and managed to get back to page 7, hopefully page 1 will turn up.


Page 7




Page 31




Page 50




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This is sort of a duplicate of a previous list which was a partial list. This version is more complete. More on this in the index thread.


Amendment list 24885 sheet 8 with amendments to list 20265


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Thank you, TEW. Another one for me.  345 Pte. Eaton, E., L. Sec., A.V. Corps.  I have the 1914 star to SE-345 PTE E.E. EATON. A.V.C.

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More. I've checked these against the index and a few have duplicate list numbers but are not the same pages/images already uploaded.










13854 sheet 2












H7117 sheet 3




























P85562 sheet 2




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Two more not on the April index.

HA 10721 and HA 10948.


HA 10721.jpg

HA 10948.jpg

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Next batch.


8459 part of sheet 1 at least. 




14221 page 4




15583 page 3








20963 sheet 1




























PG 11570, 11573, 11575, 11576


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Some more with the X prefix, mostly relating to POW's but X16136 relates to casualties in Ireland, May 1916




X14608 page 9



X14608 page 18






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X17305 page 19



X17505 maybe



X21525 & X21526



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X22423 page 3



X22518 page 10





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Thanks @dink999

For this one, like you, I am finding it very hard to read the number, but my current best guess would be X.17305, though the format of the list is so very different from the X.17305 (cont.) you posted immediately before it, makes me doubt that.



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Another H7117 page with York office details



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On 04/02/2022 at 14:06, dink999 said:

Not exactly at the moment. I’m currently cataloging what images I have found on FMP, If he is on a list being admitted to a French Hospital initially, it will be in the range HA2943 (14th Sep) to HA2600 (17th Sep). He could then be on a UK admissions list from HB1898 (15th Sep) to HB2112 (27th Sep) but only if he was shipped back to the UK quickly. 

I’ll have a look through those lists I have in that range to see if he is recorded.



Did any of these lists turn up? I started from the beginning post, but by the 36th or so page my eyes were exhausted!

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10 hours ago, RichardsProductions99 said:

Did any of these lists turn up? I started from the beginning post, but by the 36th or so page my eyes were exhausted!

We have just four lists in those ranges (all in the HAs, none in the HBs):

  • HA.2945 on p47 of the thread
  • HA.2959 on p56
  • HA.2964 on p46, and
  • HA.2967 also on p46.

I hope you find what you are looking for,


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Thank you for that info @David26

No luck unfortunately. I have a feeling that the reason I haven't been able to find the information I've been seeking for the past 4 years is that the lists have been lost after all.

It'd explain why no digitised system anywhere has any record of my G Grandfather's second wound in September 1916; the data isn't there to digitise!

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Although many of the original HA type lists did go missing during the war and then suffer losses in WWII. This does not explain why a wounded man does not show on a digitised system.

An entry on a HA type list would have been sent by the WO to the relevant Records Office who then processed the list to update the WO363 file, notify NOK and assuming the wound meet the criteria inclusion in the published Casualty Lists would follow.


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@TEW I can't understand it either to be honest.

All I know is, my Great Grandfather 11281 Private Lewis Blackman was wounded once on 24th May 1915. This is documented well and even the medical report survives at the archives in the MH series.

By at least September 1918 in both surviving photographs he has two wound stripes, ergo he *should* have been officially recorded on a casualty list for a second wound.

The only major gap we can find in his record is shown in the Roll of Individuals entitled to the Victory and British War medals, showing a gap from 15.9.1916 to the 4.3.1917 which saw a transfer from the 32/RF to the 2/RF which implies (but I suppose doesn't certainly mean) this was a period of convalescence having been wounded?

In research on FMP, Ancestry, Forces War Records, and The Genealogist I have searched his name multiple times and have found not a single mention of him relating to any other wound than the May 1915 incident.


Perhaps a digitisation error, if the writing was bad or entry was damaged? 

Edited by RichardsProductions99
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Digitisation errors could be the reason.

I see his 1915 wound had a 7 month delay before being published in Oct 1915.

TheGenealogist don't have lists from about May 1918 onwards. FMP coverage is not quite what they say it is and their images can be terrible.

Original errors on hospital admission records can cause problems but they tried to get this all sorted by April 1915 with varied success.

I'm certain I have at least one example of a man published in the HMSO lists with incorrect details, not sure if he ever had a wound stripe even though he was entitled.


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So is it likely there would be a similar lengthy delay between whenever his second wound was, and publication in a casualty list? Or did such record keeping become more efficient?

Evidently Lewis was issued with/authorised to wear his wound stripe, so it must've been officially recorded with reasonably correct details? In which case it probably means a digitisation error?

What's the best approach going forward? Is it going to have to be a case of going through every casualty list post September 1916 manually?

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I'm not sure if we've discussed some of this before? Or perhaps it's the same subject matter.

The 1915 delay is quite unusual but given the men I've been seeing reported on successions of amendment lists (April, May & June 1915) before being identified correctly I'm not surprised.

All through the war the high up medics kept reminding those lower down about the need for careful recording due to errors.

There have been a few photos showing wound stripes but no CL entry seen, I have one of a known man and a full service record but nothing ever seen in the CL.

TheGenealogist cover up to about May 1917 then pick up again in Aug 1917 and then nothing for ordinary ranks after May 1918.

There's two gaps there that he could lie within which might explain it rather than there being an error.

Can't say I've used FMP CL that much but did wonder how the optical recognition made any sense of some of the pages.

There must have been many cases of entitled men not being published but perhaps by arguing the point with records' offices had a retrospective grant of a stripe.

Having failed to find him via TheGenealogist I'd veer towards manually browsing the May 18 - Sept 18 lists.


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It was the structure of the medical system at the time of his first wound, and how long it would take him to get home that we discussed, similar subject yes.

I suppose there would always be a few casualties who were accidentally omitted from lists in the chaos of trying to record them all?

Don't The Genealogist transcribe documents by sight as opposed to using any digital software, or was I imagining that? Either way I take it their accuracy is good?

Yes I expect it was a frequent occurrence. 

Doesn't the NLS have lists post May 1918?


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TheGenealogist's transcriptions are very good and I think all double checked by humans. I did test out a few smudged pages or where it curves into the centre and found all the men.

The NLS do have them, I've found the images a bit low-res and blurry, can't say I'd like to manually trawl for months.


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Some more POW lists

X22575 page 14




X23935 page 20




X23951 pages 6 & 15



X23951 cont page 15.jpg

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X23951 no page no.










X25198 page 7



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X25368 page 8







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X26324,5,7 & 8



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