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Somme Mud


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Seems it's now intended as my Father's Day present. Having always rather resisted these ghastly American inventions, I now find myself looking forward to it this year ;)

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I'd have thought you'd have qualified for Grandfather's Day by now Steve.

I can promise you will enjoy 'Somme Mud,' however!



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The cheek of it. Emily is only 18......give the poor girl a few years' pleasure.

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I've spent a lot of my life on them.

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Hi Will,

I am Claude we met eachother in the pub opposite Ploegsteert Memorial, I bought you the book.

It is one of the best I have read, I found it realy fascinating. When reading you feel what happend 90 years ago.


Thanks Claude and apologies for the delay in getting back.

Do you own the restaurant across the road where I had lunch and swapped lunch for a copy of Somme Mud ?

When I was over in early April, I left you a poster from the War Memorial of the Light Horse - just something for the wall.

I'll drop in when I am next past.



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What a great read. I got mine about 12 months ago and have read it twice so far but I intend on going back to it very soon. I have to say I shed more than a few tears at the end. A true hero, like all that served.

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I have just finished my copy - what an excellent read. A thoroughly enjoyable book; well done Will. Whilst it was mentioned by Will in the prologue that the views of the Diggers were 'different' to those of today, I found it difficult to think that something would have been lost if the episode in Durban had been omitted; however, I support Will's right to edit the manuscript.


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Hi Will,

Huge thanks to you for taking the time to appreciate the unpolished gem in Lynch's exercise books AND actually make yourself known on this forum....

Like all the others here, I LOVED the book. Absolutely loved it. I have been recommending it left, right and centre! This book should be put on the 'must read' list for every school kid in Australia. B*gger Ancient Egypt - this is the real thing!

Lynch's story really had everything - humour, drama, sorrow, grief, fear. The whole circle of human emotion.

One of my favourite lines is when Nulla is listening to the lecture on trench feet and says by the time the doctor has finished his lecture 'we almost believe it'd be far better to be killed outright than to disgrace the AIF by getting trench feet' :) That line cracks me up!

Just a thought...you mentioned that you had omitted some of the less interesting 'behind the lines' camp information in the edited version. Actually, I think this information would be really interesting to many of us. Nothing like the nitty gritty to make you feel as if you were there. I would definitely buy an unabridged version if it was published.

Anyway, congrats again on your good work and I can't wait for your next book.



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  • 2 weeks later...

There is no doubt that this is one of he best books in the genre I have read in many years. In fact I got so involved in it, I just couldn't put it down, so much so that the garden chores never got a look-in last weekend. Thank God for the great British Summer is all I can say. I would certainly add this to any list of recommended reading for the Somme area and just tonight my thirteen year old son announced, after he "borrowed" without asking I should add, at the beginning of the week that he thought it was absolutely "just brilliant". Those of you who have a thirteen year old son will no doubt known that "just brilliant" as far as books are concerned is about as good as it gets, and the fact that he read it in under three days I think speaks volumes as well. I look forward to volume two.

Will - thank you for sharing, what is a wonderful book, with the rest of us Great War Nuts!!!

Regards, Tommy.

PS: I did quiz him to make sure he had read it, and given the questions he asked me earlier, he certainly had, and I think he had certainly consulted the glossary before he asked as well!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got a copy of the book last weekend. Sainsbury's, £11.99. Brilliant cannot put it down. As a fan of the Anzac's mini series that was shown on BBC many many years ago I keep visualising Paul Hogan as one of Nullah's mates, for some reason. : :D


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