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D245 Bde RFA


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Hello all

I'm not really expecting any joy on this one but nothing ventured........I recently purchased a book detailing the adventures of D245 Bde, RFA from it's training in the UK to it's endings in Germany in 1918. And a very interesting read it was. My motive, aside from general interest, was that I have some reason to believe my Granddad served with this unit from late 1916 until wounded at III Ypres. While loaded with terrific detail, including complete lists of members, wounded, killed, etc, it appears to name and list only those members who joined up with the unit in the UK in the begining. Those attached later such as my Granddad do not merit a place or a mention. Most disappointing. Anyway, aside from using the Forum to moan about how cruelly fate has treated me, does anyone have suggestions as to how I might go about getting more details on those merely attached? No luck with the unit diary so far. Cheers.


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Hi Colin

Before we deluge you with suggestions, perhaps you could tell us what steps you have already taken? MIC, medal roll, burnt records, unburnt records, newspaper accounts? And your Granddad's details may well help.

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Hi Colin

Before we deluge you with suggestions, perhaps you could tell us what steps you have already taken? MIC, medal roll, burnt records, unburnt records, newspaper accounts? And your Granddad's details may well help.

Excellent suggestion. And perhaps better than the other one I was recently given recommending the hiring of a Pro Researcher, at a cost of an arm and a leg per hour. Lets see. First, the man. Driver Thomas Dodd 735730 and also 1493. DOB 1 or 2 April 1896. Enlisted 15 Jan 1915 in 3rd (later C) Bty, Cheshire (later 267) Bde RFA. Went to France (Pont Remy) 22 Nov 1915 with 32 Div. When 267 Bde carried on to Egypt in Feb 1916 to rejoin 53 Div, Dvr Dodd did not go with them and here things get misty. I know he stayed in France (vice anywhere else). I know he served with D Bty 245 Bde RFA 49th (West Riding) Div(perhaps in other Bde's as well, perhaps not). I know he was wounded (gassed for sure and possibly shot) in 1917, presumably while with the 245th. The trail becomes very (very) marginally better when he hits the UK hospital system.

So the missing bit is between when he arrived in France 22 Nov 1915 and when he was laid up in a UK hospital some time in (late) 1917. R. Flory and many other Pals have done some capital work and we (he and they really) developed a workable hypothesis showing Dvr Dodd moving through 168 Bde and possibly 164 Bde before landing in 245 Bde. I also had fragmentary lines regarding members of 267 Bde going off from Pont Remy on working parties before that Bde went off to Egypt. What I do not have is any hard evidence.

His medical records do not apparently exist (even the Merstham Hospital where he ended up is largely forgotten), I have got the Medal card. No particular joy there as I am in possession of his medals and they match. I have been told (though in truth I have not myself verified) that his records were among those destroyed. As he was a Cheshire lad, I contacted the local museum and the Legion and through them, the local newspaper, but information recovery was zero. Few relatives survive and they could provide little. His unit diary (267 Bde) I have not got hold of. I have been trying that but I fear I screwed it up somehow and have not heard back.

I thought to work backwards (hospital to 245 Bde, 245 Bde to 267 Bde) but can find nothing. The 245 Bde unit book makes no mention of him (though it does mention a mysterious 518 Cheshire (H) Bty joining the Bde in Jan of 1917. This was probably part of 247 Bde (thanks again Dick) but there were no details and the date is not helpful). I fear that the huge reorganization of all the RFA Bde's and subordinate Bty's which took place in 1915/16 may have muddied the waters permanently and thus there is no chance of ever finding out for sure.

Any suggestions (particularly those involving single malt Scotch) gratefully accepted.

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Bit of a trawl but you could search for details of all men numbered between 780001 and 780500. This was the block of numbers allotted to the Brigade in early 1917. Of course that would include all batteries, not just D. A big task, methinks.

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Bit of a trawl but you could search for details of all men numbered between 780001 and 780500. This was the block of numbers allotted to the Brigade in early 1917. Of course that would include all batteries, not just D. A big task, methinks.


True enough. Still, as the pot remains stubbornly empty, it's that or go hungry. Cheers Chris.


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I'll have a look for him in my files, though if he is a Cheshire man he is unlikely to appear in my sources.

But I will try.

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His number certainly puts him in the Welsh Div. 3rd (1st Cheshire) bde. RFA for the 1917 renumbering.

It seems that, just as some men from this unit were attached to D245, men from D245 itself got caught up in the renumbering and nominally found themselves with 3rd (1st Cheshire) bde. numbers.

All of these men are known to have served with D245 (taken from the books index) and are from the bdes. traditional recruiting area in West Yorkshire.

Your mans number fits neatly into this little sequence, which might well suggest he was attached. These men were recorded with these numbers as they were wounded or killed after the 1917 renumbering and from the units original recruiting area. Your man is presumably excluded from this list because 'he's not from round 'ere'.

735024 Southern, E. Bdr.

735625 Harwood, C. Dr.

735673 Mason, P. Gnr.

735676 Carter, V.


735799 Birchall, F. Gnr.

735902 Gee, R. Gnr.

736023 Parry, A. Sgt.

736027 Randles, J. Gnr.

736108 Scowcroft, W. Gnr.

736205 Sumner, H. Gnr.

736212 Ferrier, A.J.A. Gnr.

If you tabulate all the available (i.e. the cross section from a variety of records in my files, entirely arbitrary) 6 digit figures for 245th bde. and 246th bde RFA you'll see men with numbers from all kinds of 'strange' units. They include West Lancs., North Midland and London gunners plus a smattering of TF and non-TF infantry.

If his records were blitzed, don't forget that the War Office collated a large number of soldiers records from other Government departments at the end of WWII.

These records are catalogued as WO364 and you may well find him in there, especially if he was gassed/shot/discharged, as the majority of these records derive from the Ministry of Pensions. You may even find material in PIN26 though the series is smaller and limited to about 20, 000 files.

It is very much worth having a look, if you are able.

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