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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

IMPERIAL GERMAN ARMY 1914-18: Organisation, Structure, Orders of Battl


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Has anyone read this book and would they recommend it?


If you're interested in the German army it's an essential reference.


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I got a copy recently (it took 6-9 months before one seemed to be available), and I have not used it much, but it seems quite good. I did look up several specific units and issues whose information is generally murky, and the book had a good if not absolutely perfect grasp of the history and issues. Despite not having used it a lot, I am happy to indicate a thumbs up. I have also noted that a number of top students of WW I cite and use it. I believe that the German edition was written and published between the wars, and much of the source material was destroyed during WW II, in particular in the RAF fire-bombing of the Prussian State Archives. This suggests that it would be hard to improve on it. The translation is a bit choppy, no problem to me, perhaps better, IMHO.

Pal MartH, if he sees this thread, will be much more qualified to provide an opinion, I suspect.

Bob Lembke

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Thanks Bob,

Got a copy off eBay this morning.

It appears that the publishers are only based about 25 miles from me.

I could have got you a copy and posted it to you! :lol:  At least you've got it now.

Thanks again,


PS. Thanks to Paul too!

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Cron is dry as dust but an extremely useful reference.

My one quarrel with the English translation is that too many German military terms including unit IDs are only given in English in the body of the text, which can hinder its use as a cross-reference with German documents. There is, however, a useful glossary in the back.

The following detailed OOBs are given in appendices - the whole army on mobilisation in 1914 and Hutier's 18th Army in March 1918.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Arrived yesterday - looking forward to ploughing though it.

Already seen the glossary - should have studied harder for GCSE German.... :wacko:

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