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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1st South African Infantry, Rhodesian Co.


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I am researching a Sgt. William MacIver of the 1st SAI, Rhodesian Company who was KIA on March 22, 1918. Hoping someone can help me determine the location of the 1st SAI, Rhodesian Company from March 21 (opening day of the German Spring Offinsive) to March 24th. Any thoughts to what may have been the fate of Sgt. MacIver would be appreciated!



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I cannot give you a precise location of the Rhodesian Company on the 22nd March. However, the 1st South African Infantry Regiment was on the left of the South African Brigade's position in the Yellow and Brown lines. The former line extended NNW of Gauche Wood; the latter ran in front of and then NW of Heudecourt. Three companies of the 1st started the morning in the Yellow line. The 4th company was in reserve in the Brown line. During the day, the German attack fell on Chapel Hill and Revlon Farm, which was heavily mortared and shelled. Further north was relatively quiet until the Germans reached their initial objectives. The South Africans were ordered to fall back on the Brown line at noon. The Germans renewed their attacks when they realised that the withdrawal was taking place. The right flank became dangerously exposed as the Germans came round behind Heudecourt. Though the 1st SAI remained on the left flank, 'about thirty enemy airplanes, flying low, kept up a continual fire... on the infantry in the trenches'.

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