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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Royal Artillery Photo

Tom Morgan

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I wonder if any RA or uniform experts would cast an eye over this photo and see if they can spot any interesting details which the untrained eye might miss?

Hope it's not too big, but I wanted to send it at a size where the bedges etc. can be seen.



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Hi Tom, I guess well meet out on the old front line a few times again this year again,

Whilst not by any means a pro when it comes to uniforms I believe this is a Territorial Gunners Group on home service,

the Sgt has wears a gun above his stripes as befits all NCO's in the artillery above the rank of Cpl, above that is a trade profficiency badge that I believe shows him to be a "Wheeler",

above that the blob is a mystery, it may be a crown designating him to be a WO but Im not convinced.

Below him there is a chap wearing the ornate crossed horns of a Trumpeter RA, these were only worn up until 1916 so it dates the photgraph to that period,

the armbands are a mystery, I have not come across anything like them before, most were worn halfway up the right are not lower left,

hope this helps


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Hello, Clive,

Thanks very much for those observations. (I have to admit - I never noticed the armbands at all.)

Meeting on the Western Front? An absolute certainty I'd say so - see you soon!


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The shoulder titles seem to suggest "T" with RHA< RFA or RGA beneath - see gunner second from right in front row, but there also appears to be a further shoulder title beneath that - my eyes are not good enough to decypher it!

I also thought the gun above the three bar chevron was worn by the No 1 on the gun, not by every sgt.

Peter D

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I'm with Peter on this one - definitely Territorial shoulder titles, a




type of title.

Shame the quality of the photo won't enhance further to reveal the unit from the shoulder titles, there are enough in evidence.

Maybe something else will narrow down the search.

Thanks for sharing it with us, Tom.


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