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History & memoir 33rd Btn MGC


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Hi All,

I have just gotten hold of the above book,this very day & wondered if anyone else had read/owned & could tell me its history?

It states that 1600 were printed(mine is no.184)& the 1st copy went to the King himself.

As a sourse(after only ten minutes flicking)its full of stuff about the MGC I hadn't heard of before & some stunning photos,maps & prints.

Very big ,heavy old book.


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Hi Dave. Mine is copy number 44 (Captain W F Lennox); I bought it at an antiques fair at Comberton Village College (near Cambridge) about 22 years ago, for the then enormous sum of £25. Mrs B had spotted it, and we had no option but to buy it because another punter was after it to cut the coloured pictures out for his son!

I have to confess I've never gone into it in great detail. The editor is good old Col Hutchison DSO, MC, and what I have read of it tends me to think it's the same format as his History of the 33rd Division, which is great fun but absolutely unreliable in the extreme on dates, events, etc.

The 33rd MGC did an excellent job at Meteren, it is true, and I have to say it's a book I am delighted I have.

Incidentally, does your have the pasted-in letter from the King's Secretray (Stamfordham), thanking Hutchison for the copy sent to His Majesty?

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Yeah ,Steve.The letter is there.The fold out bits are crackers.Reallt nice stuff.

I'm busy researching the owners name from the dedication as we speak but,(teaser)I think its a PBI that won a gong or two(from memory,heres hoping)


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So what's the name in yours?

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I have had my unamed copy, 805, since 1965 when I paid 3 Guineas for it. The chap in the shop kept it for me and I paid him 10 bob a week for 6 weeks then cleared the 3 bob at the end of the next month. That was seven days and evenings delivery papers it seemed to go on for ages before I got my hand on it. Did the same for 17th Northbld Fus and then again for 16 Northbld Fus. The last one cost £1.

You mention the King's secretary's letter but do you have the order form for the coloured illustrations sold by Col Hutchinson the full set for 12/6. Or the order form for copies at £2 2s 0d from Messers Waterlow Bros.

It was loose in the front board.



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Sadly, John, that's missing in mine.

I wonder how many copies are still out there, and I'd love to know what the 'going' price is now. I haven't seen it listed anywhere for years, and my memory was telling me it was well in excess of £100 then. An investment, indeed.

Though as Mrs B points out, it's only worth money when I'm dead and she can sell it. <_<

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I loaned it to a MGC collector and had to go round mob handed to get it back, I was offered £250 for it but it was one of the first books I collected, the first was the 42nd Div History with all the battle patches in for 10 shillings.

In the sixties no one wanted them, I got an original Wipers Times for 5 bob, what I really wanted Irish Hereos didn't come along until 2000.

As an aside my Biggles collection is now worth lots particularly the late sixties first editions

wish I had more money those days


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Interesting. I see his address is the Political Information Office, Glasgow. I think Hutchison was involved in right-wing (?) politics after the war - presumably the PIO is something he set up.

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I know nothing about him post war - but is it not something to do with the troubles in Ireland given the amount of Irish of both creeds in Glasgow.

Possibly something to do with one of the Ministeries of Intelligence.

Just a thought


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