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Royal artillery Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations (Historical and Mo


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Just thought I would let you know that my book entitled as above is to be published on 19 June 2008 by Spellmount.

It is currently available for pre-order from such sites as Amazon and Tesco.


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As my wife often calls me a sad muppet, I'll be ordering it!!


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Sorry for the delay in replying, and I have to reply in the negetive, as it isn't one I've come across, and after 320 pages, I've come across more than a few!!

I'll try and find out next time I'm at Firepower.


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Just had a quick check, the only RD's I currently have listed are Regimental Duty and Range Detail, neither of which appear to meet the criteria of a Trench Mortar Battery.

The trouble I have found with abbreviations is they change their usage over a period of time, and in some cases, are only used within one particular Battery, whihc makes tracking them down even harder, but (and this is the really sad bit) very exciting.

See, told you I was sad!!


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This is where I got it


All died on the same day and buried at Dud Corner Cem

They are the only ones with RD on my database so far.

At least it will be one for the next volume?



Just had a look at the records for your men on the CWGC site, and one is quoted as being, as you suggested "Reserve Division Trench Mortar Battery". I have never come across this before, indeed all the batteries I have seen listed have beenV, W, X and Y Batteries, with an occasional Z all followed by a numerical identifier. I will look into this further, as I am now completely intrigued.


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  • 4 months later...

Well thought I would just bring you all up to date. The RA Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations was finally published on Thu 20 Nov 08. It should be in the shops in the next few days. I got my copy from the publisher this morning, and still find it hard to beleive that I wrote it.


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Had mine on order from Amazon for a couple of months so look forward to receiving it shortly.

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  • 1 month later...

Just bumped this to the top of the listings. Apart from Squirrel, has anyone else seen the book I would appreciate comments, favourable or otherwise, either via the forum or by PM.

I am currently working on a revised edition and really want to know whether it is worth carrying on.



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I found the book very useful as I am not by any means up to speed with Arty terminology also not exactly knowledgable about how they did and do things. It is a very good reference and I found everything I looked up explained in terms that I could easily understand. A very useful addition to the bookshelf and I am sure it will become well thumbed.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Had a browse through today after the meeting, excellent reference book. My wife said she wishes we could of had it 20 years ago so could understand what we were talking about.



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Phil: Had your book on order for about 9 months before it finally arrived from Amazon.uk about three weeks ago. A very nice work which is quite useful for an RA enthusiast.

Regards, Dick Flory

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Hi Everyone

Thanks for the reviews, it's always good to receive feedback, positive or otherwise. I'm always interested in hearing about RA related terms and abbreviations, as I am now working on the revised edition, having been told by the publisher that a Book is for Life not just for Christmas and that they will be seeking regular, but intermittent revised editions.

Well, it's something to do on the dark evenings during the winter.

Again, thanks for the kind words, and an even bigger thank you for buying the book in the first place.


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