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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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This was a collection of books I took great interest in as I was digesting everything I could get my hands on with regard to Wilfred Owen. I understand there is controversy surrounding the book itself and whether or not Harold was trying to construct his brother's image in the post-war world. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this or the book in general.

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It's a trilogy of books, and although I have read and enjoyed them, I know that Harold did indeed go someway to constructing an image of Owen, and it is now widely accepted that he destroyed material, especially where it related to WEO's sexuality. Pretty hard to find these books now, but worthy of a read while knowing the context of them.

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I have the trilogy, and whilst I agree that the picture they paint of Wilfred is probably the one Harold Owen wanted to paint, I found them a great read. The childhood of the family in pre-war England comes across extremely well, and Harold's own adventures are also well written. I have re-read them several times - as Paul says not too easy to get hold of but for me well worth it.


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Yes, I have read all three in the past, but these were copies I got from the library. I've not had much luck getting my hands on them to purchase, so I think I will keep my eyes open. I would love to read them again.

As for the construction of Wilfred's image, I too have heard that he tried to hide his brother's homosexuality. I'm not sure if I totally believe this was his intention.

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