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Pompey Elliott

Andy in West Oz

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Has anyone read this book by Ross McMullin? We are moving to Melbourne soon and my company's office overlooks the Shrine of Rememberance and I've noticed one of their lectures is about Pompey Elliott. Coincidentally, I came across the McMullin book but decided to be good and not buy it despite being sorely tempted (one less thing to pack). Of what little I saw, it read well and seems pretty comprehensive. Would appreciate any comments.



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Andy ... just in case you haven't seen this :)


Bright Blessings


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Had not seen those Sandra and it explains why the book appears pretty comprehensive! Thanks heaps.


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Ross McMullin will give his lecture this Wednesday, 16th April, 11 a.m. The Shrine of Remembrance gift shop has quantities of "Pomoey Elliott" for sale, at a very reasonable price, with the opportunity of having copies signed by the author after the lecture.

Unfortunately, I have not got hold of a copy as yet, so cannot give you an opinion, but reviews have been good, also, work prohibits me from being able to attend Ross McMullin's talk, only wish these lectures could be put on at a time when working folk can make it.

By the way, a warm welcome to sunny Melbourne. Since your office is so close, make sure you make the most of what the Shrine of Remembrance has to offer.

If you are moving across before Anzac Day, make sure you attend the Dawn Service, quite a moving and emotional experience. The "Gun Fire Breakfast" is something else, a must after the chill of dawn, put on by the ADF, a gold coin donation and all proceeds to Legacy.

Also, at the moment there is an excellent display on Prime Minister, Billy Hughes "The Little Digger" and the Conscription debate, brought down to the Shrine from Old Parliament House, Canberra, well worth a visit.

As a Shrine volunteer, hope to have an opportunity of meeting you at some stage.



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""Sunny???"" Melbourne, Jeff?

Welcome to this side of Oz, Andy. I hope you do take the oppurtunity to meet up with Jeff.

A good bloke, and very knowledgable about all things Light Horse.

I can see a meetup happening, Aumifo, Frev, More Majorum to welcome Andy! B)



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Kim ... you could have made the last line a private one :(

Bright Blessings


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Thanks Jeff and Kim, hope to meet you soon although my current lack of WWI knowledge will astound you (main focus WWII)! We're moving over in May so we'll miss the Dawn Service but it's pencilled in for next year and Nov 11 is a go.

I've been to the Shrine once before and it is a wondrous place - even more so given the lectures and exhibitions that I can hopefully get to if I take a late/early lunch!

Jeff, has the book been relaunched as I see it was first published in 2002?


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What I would give for a bank full of frequent flyers!!!!

Those lot are my best mates Andy ... they will look after you :)

Bright Blessings


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I will endeavour to uphold the honour of WA.

Off topic, Sandra, but how did you go with getting maintenance done on that VC grave?

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Absolutely no where Andy ... I am still doing it :)

Mind you ... long spaces in between now as I live in Mandurah. I always call there before moving up to the back blocks to do my grandfather's grave and have a cuppa with him. Then set off to do whatever research that I need to.

Bright Blessings


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Hi Andy

You might be wishing you picked a better time to come to Melbourne - just in time for winter - you won't know what's hit you! (I've been to WA in winter - one of your coldest - and it was like Spring)

You couldn't wish for a better place to work though - overlooking the Shrine - except of course - at the Shrine itself!

Anyway, looks like I'm the only one of my mates so far, that's read 'ole Pompey. Which is kind of unfortunate for you, 'cos I have a terrible memory, so can't really give you a review, 'cos I read it when it came out all those years ago. All I can say is (as Ozzie Kim will attest to) I'm a very slow reader - but I flew through it (666 pages) - 'cos I couldn't put it down. Pompey himself was an absolutely fascinating character, and Ross has such a way of writing that he just carries you along. If I didn't have such a huge pile of 'yet unread' books - it's one I'd definately read again.

Cheers, Frev

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Thanks Frev, am pleased to know it is a good read but I had pretty much convinced myself to add it to the wishlist anyway! It will be dangerous having the Shrine bookshop across the road...

I'm actually looking forward to a Melbourne winter, believe it or not. Guess my habit of wearing shorts might have to be curtailed somewhat though.

I have a decent unread pile as well mostly consisting of WWII aviation-related books but also Kokoda etc as my detailed land-based knowledge of WWII is almost as pathetic as my WWI knowledge. WWI pile is Backs to the Wall, To Hell and Back, Silent Voices, Naval Battles of WWI, Goodbye Cobber and God Bless You, An ANZAC's Story and several other WWI books that have been easily available of late...and affordable. To be honest, I'm a bit scared of getting into WWI as I have enough trouble with the expanse of WWII!

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Hi again Andy

Yep - I'd say that the shorts are right out of the question........but if I see a man walking around with purple legs - I'll know it's you!

If you think you'll be in danger with the Shrine bookshop - I'm here to make it even scarier for you - Hyland's Bookshop in Flinders Lane will definately blow you away - they have so much stuff - it's like heaven - once you've spent one lunchtime there - you'll probably take up residence.

Your list of WW1 'to reads' are a pretty good lot (though haven't yet read Naval Battles, nor Silent Voices in full). I have the opposite problem to you - try to avoid WW2 (& the Boer War) - flat chat keeping up with the first. Though some of the men I'm researching were involved in these as well. So................

What makes it even harder is the fact that my better half is quite interested in WW2, especially aviation, as his dad was in the RAF. (perhaps in my next lifetime............)

Cheers, Frev

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Frev, sounds like you better bring your other half along as well should we get the chance to meet up!

I've heard about Hylands recently and visited the website (and sent the front page pic to a mate in the UK to make him jealous LOL). Looking forward to pitching my tent there.

Where are you doing your dawn service next week? Shrine?

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Andy ... I think I better warn you ... these mates of mine get up to a fair bit of mischief when they are all together :P

You are probably safer meeting them one at a time or when they have their spouse in tow :) :)

Bright Blessings


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Sandie - play fair - we're always on our best behaviour...........the first time round! ;)

No Andy, I'd like to be at the dawn service at the Shrine.......but I'd have to get up before I went to bed.........I'm a long way from the city.......so one of the local memorials for me.

Cheers, Frev

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