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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

After many years of effort, finally seeing the end

Ralph J. Whitehead

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I just wanted to pass along my good news, after many years of writing and looking for a publisher it has finally happened. My first book, volume 1 of 2, will be coming out this November by Helion Press. For further details:


I wanted to thank all of the forum members who have helped me with research, advise or simply encouragement, thank you all so very much.

Warmest regards to all,


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Heartiest congratulations Ralph. A wonderful accomplishment.



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Well done, Ralph!

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Congratulaions indeed, a superb achievement


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Congratulations Ralph, I look forward to reading this.


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Delighted to see this. Your help on this forum has been invaluable. I know the passion you have for this subject and I am sure this volume will be highly regarded.


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Excellent news. I know at first hand just how much work you have put into this book and look forward to getting a copy. You have been very generous with your time and research over the years as I can testify and I expect Forum members will snap up the book when it becomes available. Congratulations!


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Thank you all for your kind words. I am happy to finally get to this point. Some of you already have books in print, others are trying. I was surprised the day I received the e-mail saying they liked the samples and wanted to print it, contract to follow.....I guess it means never stop trying.

I am well on the way with volume 2 to make the set complete.

Thanks again,


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Very well done - really looking forward to this.

And individually signed!

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Congratulations. As one of the many who have benefitted from your advice, I wish you success with this and the next volume.


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Thank you all for the kind comments, I am really looking forward to seeing the first copies in actual book form. The only drawback is that I know the book and cannot read it for the first time.

Thank you again.


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Congrats Ralph. Your kind of historical research in depth is what we need more of.



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well done and thanks for your help in the past. I have ordered my copy and look forward to reading it


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  • 1 month later...

This is still a bit of an surreal event to me. Things are moving along. I am listed in Amazon.com Uk at present and hopefully others soon. The publication date looks like 15 November 2008.

The second volume is going along well, 250 pages written so far, not as many illustrations but a considerable number nevertheless.


Yes, this is flagrant self gratification. I recently enjoyed the wedding of our son to a lovely girl, my daughter is expecting her second child (a son) this August and now the book. It is going to be a great year.

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Glad things are moving along a little. It certainly sounds like a great year for you, all the very best wishes for the year. Now I just have to wait until November for your book. Keep plugging away at the second book.


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