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After many years of effort, finally seeing the end

Ralph J. Whitehead

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having 3 great uncles who were in the trenches opposite the Germans at La Boiselle this will be a worthy addition to my book shelves


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Thank you Chris, I hope that you like it once it comes out.


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I just wanted to pass along my good news, after many years of writing and looking for a publisher it has finally happened. My first book, volume 1 of 2, will be coming out this November by Helion Press. For further details:


I wanted to thank all of the forum members who have helped me with research, advise or simply encouragement, thank you all so very much.

Warmest regards to all,


That's great news, Ralph. Well done. R

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  • 3 weeks later...


Nice to see Helion took up the book.....I see from their web site 750 copies in hardback , each numbered and signed.....so when are you in the UK?

Good luck signing 750 copies.....!!!!! Or do you have a stamp???????


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Thanks for the kind comments, book 2 is well under way as we speak.

It seems they have the signing bit all worked out, I just need to get the final details but somehow I doubt it involves a trip overseas. I did volunteer for sich a trip but so far no takers.


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Thanks for the kind comments, book 2 is well under way as we speak.

It seems they have the signing bit all worked out, I just need to get the final details but somehow I doubt it involves a trip overseas. I did volunteer for sich a trip but so far no takers.


Helion are nice to deal with.....obviously they did the Loos book and are bringing out another by me in September on WW2.....other publishers were interested in the Loos book but put a limit on number of words, photos and maps.....no such constraints from Helion......

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Hello NC,

I agree, the limits by other publishers was daunting, Helion was happy to go with the original size, photos, etc. I am waiting to see a final copy in my hands.

Congratulations on your books, can you tell me the titles?


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  • 1 month later...

Just ordered a copy, Ralph - looking forward to seeing the book in November.


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Thanks for the support Alan, I am looking forward to seeing a finished copy in the near future. Book 2 is progressing and will include more unique photos as well as a comprehensive casualty list for almost all possible 1 July 1916 German losses down to the XIV Reserve Corps Butcher Shop. These will include KIA, WIA, MIA, POW's, etc.

On a different note I have a new grandson coming in 3 weeks or less, Owen Macreery. Things will start to get busy before I know it.


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Heartiest congratulations, Ralph !

Your commitment to scholarship and diligent research is an inspiration. All the best to you.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I've laid down a few hints to my nearest and dearest but I'll be buying the book regardless! I'm really looking forward to it. You deserve a medal!



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Thanks for the kind comments Phil and Jim. I hope it gets the same after being read :lol:


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...


Any news, Helion's website have the date of Dec 2009 against the information, is this the revised availale date ?


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Unfortunately true. What was once scheduled for March 2009 has been changed to December 2009. It seems that the first delay was unavoidable and then suddenly the economic disaster hit. The publisher had the printing firm fold and go out of business. This placed everything back on the schedule. Now all theur scheduled work has been thrown off and needs to get sorted out.

After hearing about the projected delay I had a serious talk with the publisher. We both are determined to see it in print so it is still scheduled to be completed. If possible it will be earlier but this all depends upon the circumstances of the backlog, printing firm, etc.

Now I am using this time well. I have additional personal details from unpublished sources as well as new illustrations that would fit into the narrative and provide even greater understanding of the events. I am going to increase the number of illustrations from my collection from the current 178 of the 356 or so to an even higher number and add the feldpost letters.

I am also using the time to complete the research and writing of the companion volume that will bring the regiments forward to the 1950's and 60's.

I appreciate the interest and I hope everyone who has shown interest would still like to see a copy. I will post any news I hear regarding the dates, book 2 etc. as I find out about them.

I am more than happy to answer any inquiries so please feel free to contact me.


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I'm sorry to hear about the delay, but you can now add some details to what I'm sure will be an eye opening work. Its good to see this subject finally written about in a comprehensive and readable fashion. I wish you all the best and will add this one to my Christmas list in the not to distant future....

A year can go by quickly!!

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Thanks for replying Ralph, my order remains open until it is available !

looking forward to it.


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  • 1 month later...

Just an update. The book is on schedule for publication later in 2009.

I had hoped for a silver lining to the delay and it seems it worked. Since I submitted the finished manuscript and illustrations I have come across 18 months of Feldpost letters from one man in RIR 119 as well as dozens of new postcards. As such I have added a great deal of new information, first person accounts for book 1 and some for book 2. The illustrations are even more appropriate and unique to the subject and fit into the narrative like a glove in many instances. I am completing the additions by April and will be in plenty of time to get them in.

So it seems the delay has some good side effects that will hopefully make for an even better read once it comes out.


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Nice one Ralph. Congrats.



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