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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

After many years of effort, finally seeing the end

Ralph J. Whitehead

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Thanks for the kind comments. Part of completing this project was finding items that fit the text like a glove in many cases. The portion shown below is part of a quote taken from Chapter 4 regarding the French attack on La Boisselle at Christmas 1914 from a man in the 6/R120. I had the text for some time but only recently found the accompanying illustration. It fit perfectly into this portion and provides not only a written version but the added aspect of a visual link to similar events.

Forty thousand shells fell on our regiment, more than two thirds of which came down on the three companies holding the forward positions near the Grenate farm. I slept during the morning as I had been on guard all night and was too tired to wake up even if all hell was breaking loose. About half our dugout collapsed around noon and this woke me up. The first thing I thought was that I was on a boat on the ocean. I crawled out and saw nothing but dust and smoke. Shells were exploding all around and when I asked someone what was going on I couldn’t hear myself talk. But he knew what I meant and he pointed towards the machine gun, which was firing steadily. I stuck my rifle through the slit of a shield and immediately received an awful wallop on the cheek with the butt of my rifle. I tried to pull it back out but it would not go and after I pulled down the shield and everything else I saw that the front part of my nice rifle was all bent up like a pretzel. Either something had hit it or I had stuck it in the mud without knowing it, which could have also caused it to split open.


'I saw that the front part of my nice rifle was all bent up like a pretzel. Either something had hit it or I had stuck it in the mud without knowing it,' Armourers from RIR 120 repairing damaged rifles, machine guns, bayonets.......Copyright R. Whitehead

I looked for a new rifle but was stopped on the left by shells dropping regularly as if controlled by a clock. It would have been suicide to pass through that barrage twice. I then remembered an old communication trench which we had barricaded and which once connected the cemetery with the trenches we were now holding.

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  • 9 months later...

Just an update on the book saga. Despite unforseen delays, in part due to the world economic meltdown (printer out of business, etc.) it is actually happening. I am in the final editing process now as I need to be done by 15 January, the date the book goes to print.

I suspect that it should be out by the end of the month. As I know an exact date I will pass it along. Work on the companion volume is going well also.

I appreciate all the help, support and kind comments from so many members over the years, thank you all.


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  • 4 weeks later...

More news, the manuscript is done and goes to the printer tomorrow. It will be a short wait before the copies are available and being sent out to the people who ordered early.


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  • 5 weeks later...

News from the publisher, Helion & Co. Ltd.:

It's [the book] expected at Casemate's warehouse today or tomorrow, which means it'll be with us next week. Copies will ship out in the next 10 days, including yours!

Just thought I would pass it along.


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Which is where I secured my copy yesterday. Well done Ralph can't wait to read it.

Regards Doug

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  • 3 weeks later...

Copy 405 arrived at my office this morning, and it looks mighty good. I shall enjoy reading it. Well done, Ralph, here's to Volume 2!

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