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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Trawler & Drifter Skippers RNR


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I am currently researching fishermen joining the RNR in WW1, in particular, skippers and crews going to war in converted armed trawlers and drifters. Can anyone recommend any good books dealing with this subject? I already have Swept Channels by Taffrail but wondered if there are more references sources out there?

I am also looking for further information on the fishermen from Aberdeen and would like to know exactly where their fishing vessels were taken to be converted into minesweepers and net tenders?

Any help with these questions greatly appreciated


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If your looking for info on men from other parts of the Empire you can have a look at the Newfoundlanders in the RNR. Christopher Sharpe wrote an article entitled The Race of Honour:An Analysis of Enlistment and Casualties in the Armed Forces of Newfoundland 1914-1918. It was published in the Journal of Newfoundland and Labrador Studies Vol. 4 #1 1988 p. 27-55. As far as I can remember he gives some discussion to the NFLD Navel Reserve in the RNR. The Journal and articles are on line and a search of the journal title should lead you to it.

There is another essay on the NFLD Navel Reserve in a collected work, but the author and title escape me at the moment. I will have a look to see if I can find it again, but he looks at the notion of the NFLD as a breeding ground for Navel personel due to the strong connection to the ocean.


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  • 3 weeks later...
There is another essay on the NFLD Navel Reserve in a collected work, but the author and title escape me at the moment. I will have a look to see if I can find it again, but he looks at the notion of the NFLD as a breeding ground for Navel personel due to the strong connection to the ocean.

Finally found where I misplaced this essay. It is entitled "A Nursery of Fighting Seamen? The Newfoundland Royal Naval Reserve, 1901-1920," by Bernard Ransom, pp 239-255. It is in a book entitled "The Navy and Canadian Society."

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  • 7 years later...

"Skippers of the Royal Naval Reserve in the First World War" by Simon Jonathan Eyre. Published by and obtainable through The Orders and Medals Research Society.

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