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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Marcel Charlat

Kate Wills

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We recently bought a postcard, showing a soldier in a wheelchair, his left leg having been amputated above the knee. the caption reads:

Notre grand blesse MARCEL CHARLAT dont on trouvera le recit de guerre dans “Le Rameau d’Olivier" de Septembre 1916

La Famille du Rameau d’Olivier

Carte no 16

which I think translates as:

Our great wounded MARCEL CHARLAT whose war story we shall find in " The Olive tree branch " of September, 1916

The Family of the Olive tree branch

Card no 16

This sounds like a religious journal. Does anyone else have examples of these postcards or copies of 'Le Rameau d'Olivier'?

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Thank you very much for giving me so much more information on Marcel - I hadn't realised that he was also blind, and received such terrible injuries on Bastille day.

Thank you also for the link to Jean Luc's very interesting web site. I shall be spending much time there.

Does the 'cit. RF' mean he was awarded the Medaille Militaire?

Here is the post card


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