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A few years ago, when I was too young to properly appreciate the contents, I took a book on Passchendaele out of the library. I can't remember the title or author, and it's no longer in the library (at least not the edition I would recognise).

I do remember the cover: it was beige, very light brown or some similar colour with a poppy on it, as far as I can recall. I've searched Amazon for books on Passchendaele, but quite a few don't have a cover picture, and it's not one of the ones that do.

Would appreciate knowing which book it was, if anyone can help.



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Sounds like the one by Philip Warner. I can't find an image of the hardback d/j but am sure that had a poppy on it.

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Many thanks Paul :)

Have put it on my reading list for when I get back from holiday.



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I would imagine it was 'They Called It Passchendaele" Lyn MacDonald. ISBN 0 333 52971 5.



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Could be that one indeed - never seen that d/j myself! Only the 1st edn with the Cross of Sacrifice on it.

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I'm not sure if that is it - as I recall, the poppy was the only picture on the cover of the one I was looking for - and having read the blurb for Paul's suggestion it sounds a more likely that that was the one - as I recall the book, it wasn't Lyn MacDonald's style, but I might be wrong.



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I have just finished reading They called it passchendaele. Great book. It was my dads. Its not a hard cover. isbn 0 333 36067 2

Don't know if this helps.



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