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Kitchener's Men: King's Own Royal Lancasters by John Hutton MP


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I see on the BBC web site for this week's Start the Week that "Cabinet Minister John Hutton was so impressed by the former soldiers he met in his Barrow and Furness constituency and their record of service during the First World War that he decided to record their achievements. His account, Kitchener's Men (published by Pen & Sword) records the gruelling experiences of the KORL" on the Western Front 1915-1918.

I just wondered if anyone heard the intereview with John Hutton on Monday?


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I heard it. I noted that he attributed the high volunteer rate to the fact that many local men considered the Army to be safer than their civilian occupation!

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I heard most of it, and the first thing I wondered was how a serving MP and cabinet minister could find time to resarch and write such a book. As so many of us know, research is a time-draining exercise. You might spend a day in the archives and return with next to nothing. All credit to Mr Hutton for dedicating himself to the men of Barrow, but how many hours does he have in his day?

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Hutton has been a minister since 1999 and in the cabinet since 2005. It is well known that all MPs work slavishly all available hours for the public good. The fact that they also find time to write books, go on fact finding jaunts to hot places, appear on TV, do other jobs, hold directorships etc, just shows how multitalented they must be. The odd thing is that I find they generally hide their talents very well. :angry2:

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Pen and Sword's website has a video clip of the book's launch featuring our esteemed Prime Minister...

Blimey, that'll dent sales, then... Did he get 10p off? That's enough political humour...

Have not seen hide nor hair of this yet... Any good?

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It's in our local W H Smith. Elsewhere on this forum, esteemed reviewer David Filsell gave a cautious approval.

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Yes approval was cautious. I attended the launch at the MOD, and the PM launched the book!! I have no doubt about Hutton's committment to his project. It seems to me the research is from war diaries, local papers and letters. There is no bibliography, nor are there notes and references which I consider an essential. It also lacks any list of honours and awards or a roll of those who served which I think important for any book of this kind. For context I would also have welcomed more about brigade and division (and tighter editing). However it does add another book to the list of local battalion histories and that is important and I do not wish to appear carping - clearly Hutton saw this work as an important part of his genuine committment to his constituency and those who served in the Great War.

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I heard most of it, and the first thing I wondered was how a serving MP and cabinet minister could find time to resarch and write such a book. As so many of us know, research is a time-draining exercise. You might spend a day in the archives and return with next to nothing. All credit to Mr Hutton for dedicating himself to the men of Barrow, but how many hours does he have in his day?

Did he do the research? MPs have access to armies of eager young things, dedicated to making a name for themselves as researchers......the Leader of HM's Loyal Opposition was a researcher, I believe, for earlier Chancellors. I suspect Mr Hutton might have received a little assistance.

As has been said, he's piad for the day job, but I applaud his commitment to the men of his constituency - even if some others did the spade work, he still had to assemble it all and produce the book (and get the PM to launch it!)

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Why didn't I think of asking someone 'important' to launch my book :rolleyes:

I wonder if he self published like many of us mere mortals, 'have to'.

If he asks nicely I may do a swop with him for my 9th Bn Sherwood Foresters history.

It is though good to see another local book.

Ps - mine has - Nominal Roll, Gallantry Awards, Roll of Honour and Bibliography :D


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You written a book, Mr M.

You kept that quiet.

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