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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Four Great War books

Martin Bennitt

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My post has ben deleted as it related to one that Chris Baker had posted but has since deleted. Therefore, to new readers it would make no sense at all.

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I think the whole review should be read in order to get the true flavour of what Francis Beckett has to say and why. There is a particular personal point why the first para, unfortunately separated from the rest, reads the way it does.

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Oops. The above two posts will make little sense. I posted something about the header paragraph to the reviews to which I took exception. I deleted my post when intending to edit it (having read the book reviews in full). My apologies.

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I am confused - How did his Grandfather get out of conscription because he had three daughters?

Whilst I believe that everyone should have an opinion, he does seem somewhat bitter about something or other.

As for the white feather - Fred Greaves was given one by a lady on a train. He was in civvies and on his way to Buck house to collect his VC from the King.


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