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Guest Whistlerdave

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Guest Whistlerdave

My Uncle has just dies and served in Burma at Imphal, Kohema etc. On clearing his flat no medals were found and the fact he never spoke of his time in the far east we presume he nevr collected any. Is it too late now? or can I be given any idea of what he would have received?

Many THanks to whoever answers

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Hi there,

I have been collecting and had a keen interest in Medals for about 4/5 years and after reading ur message i'll try to help you with my limited knowledge... I think he would have been entitled to at least 4 medals... the 1939-45 star, the Burma Star, the Defence medal, the 1939-45 war medal. This is only from wot u have told me, if he served in another theatre of war other then Burma he could be entitled to more campaign stars! Ive found a picture on a speedbid which is a website that sells medals. The picture is how your Great Uncle would have worn them, they are mounted as worn. And your over question have a look at this

website for information about claiming medals


hope this helps



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A friend of mine has just got his late Granddad's medals - the same ones pictured and described here, oddly enough. He went through the Army Medal Office which still deals with WWII claims (but recently stopped dealing with WWI ones I believe).

You may need to research a bit before you apply. They need a lot of info apparently, and won't do it for you.

The absolute minimum for service in Burma would be two medals - the Burma Star and the War Medal. This would be in the case of someone arriving in the theatre of war within the last six months of the conflict (ie. before 2nd September 1945). More than six months in a war zone would entitle the serviceman to at least one more medal.

Credit to you that you're taking an interest in what your Uncle did!

God bless


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Guest Whistlerdave

Any iea how I contact the Army Medal Office? Sorry to be a pain, I am new to this stuff.

Thanks to all above for help. brilliant web site this one.

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The Army Medal Office should come up on an internet search, or alternatively the local Armed Forces Careers office in your town or city will be happy to give you the address and phone number.

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Guest Whistlerdave

Another relative was in the MGC and died very young in France. Missing in Action.

Might be a siilly question but are you still entitled to medals if killed? Sorry I am a non milatary person.

Thanks in advance

Dave Eason

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If you do a search on this site you will find extensive discussion of award of medals to the next of kin.

But as a rule of thumb (and certainly now) death in action overrides any qualification period for the medal, and makes for an automatic award. (e.g. if you had to serve 28 days in theatre to qualify, for example, and were killed on day 1, day 4, day 27 -automatic qualification). So yes, you certainly are entitled to medals if killed; you could even argue 'more so'.

Medals were forwarded to the nominated next of kin, with a bronze plaque - 'The Memorial Plaque' aka 'Death Plaque' or 'Death Penny', and a memorial scroll with the soldier's name in red ink in calligraphy.

Given my MGC interest - who was he? Might be able to illuminate a little more.

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Guest Whistlerdave

MGC Name was Arthur Eason form Bow London. Aged about 18. killed 21st MArch 1918. I would like to know where he was roughly at the time. Not sure if this is possible????

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