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Oblt.z.S. Heinrich Wichgraf, II. WO, S.M. U 70

Simon S.

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maybe one of you can answer my question?

In Aug. 1916 Oblt.z.S. Heinrich Wichgraf, II. WO on S.M. U 70, was substituted by another II. WO (Reinhold Thomsen) after a meeting of a court of honour.

Has anyone an idea what's the reason for that court of honour?



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maybe one of you can answer my question?

In Aug. 1916 Oblt.z.S. Heinrich Wichgraf, II. WO on S.M. U 70, was substituted by another II. WO (Reinhold Thomsen) after a meeting of a court of honour.

Has anyone an idea what's the reason for that court of honour?



Hello Simon,

I can't answer your question, but having a personal interest in Heinrich Wichgraf, 1887-1956 (my family name originally being Wichgraf) I would be interested in where you got your information on Heinrich.

Ray Wigraft



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  • 1 year later...

maybe one of you can answer my question?

In Aug. 1916 Oblt.z.S. Heinrich Wichgraf, II. WO on S.M. U 70, was substituted by another II. WO (Reinhold Thomsen) after a meeting of a court of honour.

Has anyone an idea what's the reason for that court of honour?



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Hi Simon,

My name is Gabriele and 4 Years ago when my grand mother died at the age of 98 she for the first time told my mother who her father was. I am the grand daugher of Olt Heinrich Wichgraf who immigrated to Gary Indiana at the age of 37 in May 1924. I am trying to find relatives all over the world and was not very successfull. If zou know more, please let me know.


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Hello Simon,

I can't answer your question, but having a personal interest in Heinrich Wichgraf, 1887-1956 (my family name originally being Wichgraf) I would be interested in where you got your information on Heinrich.

Ray Wigraft



Hi Ray,

My name is Gabriele I am the grand daugher of Olt Heinrich Wichgraf who immigrated to Gary Indiana at the age of 37 in May 1924. I am trying to find relatives all over the world and was not very successfull. If zou know more, please let me know.


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Hi Ray, Hi Gabriele,

Oblt.z.S. Heinrich Wichgraf was born on Oct. 24th, 1896. He served as WO on U 25 and U 70 under the famous Kptlt. Otto Wünsche (P.l.M.).

He entered the Imperial German Navy in 1908.

The information regarding the court of honour is from the KTB (War Diary) but still I don't know why.

He left the IGN in Feb. 1917!

I don't have any info on his relatives in Germany. Please try this link:


Do one of you have the date of his death (day and month)? Where was he born?

Best wishes,

Simon S.

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Hi Ray, Hi Gabriele,

Oblt.z.S. Heinrich Wichgraf was born on Oct. 24th, 1896. He served as WO on U 25 and U 70 under the famous Kptlt. Otto Wünsche (P.l.M.).

He entered the Imperial German Navy in 1908.

The information regarding the court of honour is from the KTB (War Diary) but still I don't know why.

He left the IGN in Feb. 1917!

I don't have any info on his relatives in Germany. Please try this link:


Do one of you have the date of his death (day and month)? Where was he born?

Best wishes,

Simon S.

He was born in Bromberg/Prussia today Bydgoszcz/Poland Oct 24th, 1887 or 89 I get mixed up with his sister. He entered the Navy after he finished Technical University. Date of death in 1956 in USA (haven't found it yet) is right because that is when his pension entitlement expired (with Death) in Germany.

I wondered what this court of honour was about. There was no dishonourable discharge during war only execution / he was replaced on the sub and released from service in the middle of the 1st world war / very unusual (I guess for health reasons). But no further records on that yet. He went back to his civil profession as an engineer and worked as plant manager of August Thyssen steel mill in Duisburg-Hamborn until 1924. He played the cello, liked litature and musik and was a freemason. His family lived in Potsdam, Berlin. His father was Franz Wichgraf (federal Counsilor) and grandfather August Wichgraf (Federal Counsilor engineer and architect) born in Gumbinnen/Prussia.

I couldn't find any evicence here for his leaving Germany except for my grandmothers word (Bremer Passagierlisten) who accompanied him to Bremen. But you can find him in the Ellis Island Passenger documents. His letters came from Gary Indiana, which makes sense / because it is the home of the largest steel Corporation in the USA - US Steel Corporation or USS.

After that nothing.

Thank you Simon for answering.

Regards and best wishes


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Hmmmmm...the German naval archives are complete, but very,very slow and bureaucratic. As a surviving relative you may be actually able to review his file. :huh:

You might want to try one of the U-Boot experts (and their friends at the U-Boot museum) at the GMIC.co.uk.

Ask the question to Gordon Williamson or Rick Research.

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Hmmmmm...the German naval archives are complete, but very,very slow and bureaucratic. As a surviving relative you may be actually able to review his file. :huh:

You might want to try one of the U-Boot experts (and their friends at the U-Boot museum) at the GMIC.co.uk.

Ask the question to Gordon Williamson or Rick Research.

I got into touch with the Naval Archives in Freiburg Germany before but was unable to produce relative documents.

So I might just do what you suggest. Thank you for putting me on this track. Regards

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Hi Gabriele,

I'm your contact to the "Deutsches U-Boot-Museum". All requests in English language regarding WWI subs come to me.

I'll try to find out further info of Heinrich Wichgraf.

Best wishes,

Simon S.

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Hi Gabriele,

I'm your contact to the "Deutsches U-Boot-Museum". All requests in English language regarding WWI subs come to me.

I'll try to find out further info of Heinrich Wichgraf.

Best wishes,

Simon S.

Hi Simon,

I really appreciate your support.

Greetings :-))

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I could not find a death record for Heinrich Wichgraf, in 1956, among the various records in the United States--including the

Social Security Death Index. I did find two entries on New York passenger lists:

1. Heinrich Wichgraf, arrived 19 May 1924 at New York, on the "Bremen" departing from the port of Bremen;

his birthdate is listed as 1887; his nationality is German.

2. Heinrich A. Wichgraf, arrived 29 June 1933 at New York, on the "Washington" departing from Havre, France;

his birthdate is listed as 1887; nationality is not listed.

I hope this was helpful.



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  • 5 months later...
He was born in Bromberg/Prussia today Bydgoszcz/Poland Oct 24th, 1887 or 89 I get mixed up with his sister. He entered the Navy after he finished Technical University. Date of death in 1956 in USA (haven't found it yet) is right because that is when his pension entitlement expired (with Death) in Germany.

I wondered what this court of honour was about. There was no dishonourable discharge during war only execution / he was replaced on the sub and released from service in the middle of the 1st world war / very unusual (I guess for health reasons). But no further records on that yet. He went back to his civil profession as an engineer and worked as plant manager of August Thyssen steel mill in Duisburg-Hamborn until 1924. He played the cello, liked litature and musik and was a freemason. His family lived in Potsdam, Berlin. His father was Franz Wichgraf (federal Counsilor) and grandfather August Wichgraf (Federal Counsilor engineer and architect) born in Gumbinnen/Prussia.

I couldn't find any evicence here for his leaving Germany except for my grandmothers word (Bremer Passagierlisten) who accompanied him to Bremen. But you can find him in the Ellis Island Passenger documents. His letters came from Gary Indiana, which makes sense / because it is the home of the largest steel Corporation in the USA - US Steel Corporation or USS.

After that nothing.

Thank you Simon for answering.

Regards and best wishes


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I could not find a death record for Heinrich Wichgraf, in 1956, among the various records in the United States--including the

Social Security Death Index. I did find two entries on New York passenger lists:

1. Heinrich Wichgraf, arrived 19 May 1924 at New York, on the "Bremen" departing from the port of Bremen;

his birthdate is listed as 1887; his nationality is German.

2. Heinrich A. Wichgraf, arrived 29 June 1933 at New York, on the "Washington" departing from Havre, France;

his birthdate is listed as 1887; nationality is not listed.

I hope this was helpful.



Hello Trelawney,

Have you tried the name Heinrich VICKGRAF.


Ray Wigraft

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He was born in Bromberg/Prussia today Bydgoszcz/Poland Oct 24th, 1887 or 89 I get mixed up with his sister. He entered the Navy after he finished Technical University. Date of death in 1956 in USA (haven't found it yet) is right because that is when his pension entitlement expired (with Death) in Germany.

I wondered what this court of honour was about. There was no dishonourable discharge during war only execution / he was replaced on the sub and released from service in the middle of the 1st world war / very unusual (I guess for health reasons). But no further records on that yet. He went back to his civil profession as an engineer and worked as plant manager of August Thyssen steel mill in Duisburg-Hamborn until 1924. He played the cello, liked litature and musik and was a freemason. His family lived in Potsdam, Berlin. His father was Franz Wichgraf (federal Counsilor) and grandfather August Wichgraf (Federal Counsilor engineer and architect) born in Gumbinnen/Prussia.

I couldn't find any evicence here for his leaving Germany except for my grandmothers word (Bremer Passagierlisten) who accompanied him to Bremen. But you can find him in the Ellis Island Passenger documents. His letters came from Gary Indiana, which makes sense / because it is the home of the largest steel Corporation in the USA - US Steel Corporation or USS.

After that nothing.

Thank you Simon for answering.

Regards and best wishes


Hello Gabriele,

I was in touch with a woman in the USA a couple of years ago whose parents knew and were related to Heinrich Wichgraf (Inga's brother).

Is there some way that I may be able to find where you are and contact you off this Forum.


Ray Wigraft

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I read different dates birthday Wichgraf Heinrich, but it was 24/10/1886 according to Ehrenrangliste des Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine


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I read different dates birthday Wichgraf Heinrich, but it was 24/10/1886 according to Ehrenrangliste des Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine


Hello Cnock,

Thank you for that information. I'm sure that date of birth is the correct one.

Is there any more information relating to Heinrich on that list?


Ray Wigraft

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