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British Official History


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For those who are interested, found the following list of all the volumes of the British Official History on the following site http://warchronicle.com/britain/first_officials.htm

Official History of the First World War 1914-1918 **

Military Operations

East Africa

Nordern, Lt. Col. Charles. Vol. I. August 1914-September l9l6. 1941.

Vol. II. [Never published].

Egypt and Palestine

MacMunn Lt. Gen. Sir George and Capt. Cyril Falls. Vol. I. August 1914-June 1917 and case of maps. 1928.

Vol. II. And case of maps. [no date given in bibliography]


Aspinall-Oglander, C. F. Vol. I. and case of maps. 1929

Aspinall-Oglander, C. F. Vol. II. and case of maps. 1932.

France and Belgium


Edmonds, Brig Gen. Sir James E. 1914, August-October. Mons, the Retreat to the Seine, the Marne and the Aisne. Vol. I, 1922; 2d ed., 1925; 3rd ed. 1934; and case of maps.

Vol. II 1914, October-November. Antwerp. La Bassee, Armentieres, Messines and Ypres and case of maps. 1925.


Edmonds Brig. Gen. Sir James E and Capt. G. C. Wynne. Vol. I. 1915, Winter 1914-15. Neuve Chappelle-Ypres, December 1914-May 1915 and case of maps. 1927.

Vol. II. 1915, Aubers Ridge, Festubert and Loos and case of maps. 1928.


Edmonds, Brig Gen. Sir James E. Vol. I. 1916, to July 1. The Somme and case of maps. 1932.

Vol. II. 1916, July 2 to End of Somme Battles and case of maps. 1938.


Falls, Capt. Cyril. Vol. I. The German Retreat to the Hindenburg Line and the Arras Battles and case of maps. 1940. Appendices separate volume.

Vol II. June 7-November 10. Messines and Third Ypres (Passchendaele). 1949.

Miles, Capt. W. Vol. III. The Battle of Cambrai. 1949.


Vol. I. March Offensive and case of maps. 1935. Appendices separate volume.

Vol. II. March-April and case of maps. 1937.

Vol. III. May-July. 1939.

Vol. IV. August 8-September 26. Franco-English Offensive. 1947.

Vol. V. September 26-November 11. 1949.


Edmonds, Brig. Gen. Sir James E., and H. R. Davies. Italy, 1915-1919. 1949.


Falls, Capt. Cyril. Macedonia.

Vol. I. August 1914-Spring 1917. 1933.

Vol. II. Spring 1917-November 1918. 1935


Moberly, Brig. Gen. F. Mesopotamia. Vol. I. 1923.

Vol. II. April 1916. The Attempt on Baghdad, the Battle of Cteeipfion, the Siege and Fall of Kut-al-Amara. 1924.

Vol. III. April l9l7. The Capture and Consolidation of Baghdad. 1926.

Vol. IV. The Campaign in Upper Mesopotamia to the Armistice. 1927.

Togoland and the Cameroons

Moberly, Brig. Gen. F. Togoland and the Cameroons, l9l4-l9l6. 1931.

Order of Battle of Divisions

Part 1, The Regular British Divisions. 1935.

Part 2A, The Territorial Force, Mounted Divisions and the 1st Line Territorial Force Divisions, (42nd-56th). 1936.

Part 2B, The 2nd Line Territorial Force Divisions (57th-69th) with the Home Service Divisions (7lst-73rd) and 74th and 75th Divisions. 1937.

Part 3A, New Army Divisions (9th-26th). 1939.

Part 3B, New Army Divisions (30th to 4lst), and 63rd (R.N.) Division. 1946.

Part 4, The Army Council, G. H. Qs., Armies and Corps. 1914-1918. 1946.

Ground Transportation

Henniker, Col. A. M. Transportation on the Western Front, 1914- 1918. 1937, 1938.

Principal Events

Naval, Military, Air and Political. (In Diary and Index form). 1922.


Mitchell, Maj. T. Casualties and Medical Statistics.

Macpherson, Maj. Gen. Sir W. G. (ed.), and others. Diseases of the War.

Vol. I. 1922.

Vol. II. Including the Medical Aspects of Aviation and Gas Warfare, and Gas Poisoning in Tank and Mines.1923.

General History

Macpherson, Maj. Gen. Sir W. G. Vol. I. Medical Services in the United Kingdom, in British Garrisons Overseas, and During Operations against Tsingtau, in Togoland, the Cameroons, and S. W. Africa. 1921.

Vol. II. Medical Services on the Western Front, and During the Operations in France and Belgium in 1914 and 1915. 1923.

Vol. III. Medical Services During the Operations on the Western Front in 1916, 1917 and 1918, in Italy, and in Egypt and Palestine. 1924.

Macpherson, Maj Gen Sir W.G. and Maj. T. Mitchell, Vol. IV. Medical Services During the Operations in the Gallipoli Peninsula, in Macedonia, in Mesopotamia and North-West Persia, in East Africa, in Aden Protectorate, and in North Russia; Ambulance Transport During the War. 1924.

Macpherson, Maj. Gen. Sir W.G. (ed.) and others. Hygiene of the War. Vols. I and II. 1923.

Macpherson, Maj. Gen. Sir W.G. (ed.) and others. Pathology. 1923.

Macpherson, Maj. Gen. Sir W.G. (ed.) and others. Surgery of the War. Vols. I and II.

Blenkinsop, Mai. Gen. Sir L.J., and Lt. Col. J.W. Ramsey (eds.). Veterinary Services. 1925.

Official History of the War

Bell, A.C. The Blockade of the Central Empires, 1914-1918. A History of the Blockade of Germany, and of the Countries Associated with Her in the Great War, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey. (Produced and printed in 1937 for official purposes only, released for general sale 1961)

Official Histories on Shipping

Fayle, C. Ernest. Seaborne Trade. Vol. I. The Cruiser Period. 1920.

Vol. II. Submarine Campaign. (From the opening of the campaign to the appointment of a Shipping Controller). 1923.

Vol. III. The Period of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare. 1924.

Hurd, Archibald. Merchant Navy.

Vol. I. 1921.

Vol. II. 1924. (No Volume Titles)

Vol. III. 1929.


War in the Air

Raleigh, Walter. Vol. I. 1922, 1939.

Jones, H. A. Vol. II. 1928.

Jones, H. A. Vol. III. 1931.

Jones, H. A. Vol. IV. 1934.

Jones, H. A. Vol. V. 1935.

Jones, H. A. Vol. VI. 1937.

Jones, H. A. Appendices. 1937.


Corbett, Sir Julian S. Vol. I. To the Battle of the Falklands, December 1914. 1920; 2d ed, 1938.

Vol. II. From the Battle of the Falklands to the Entry of Italy into the War in May 1915. 1921; 2d ed., 1929.

Vol. III. May l9l5-June 1916 (Including the Battle of Jutland). 1923; Rev. ed., 1940.

Newbolt, Sir Henry. Vol. IV. June 1916-April 1917. 1928.

Vol. V. l9l7 to the Armistice. 1931.

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That website is a good find - thanks for that.


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I see that there are a number of volumes missing from the list - it's certainly not "all", for example:

History of the Ministry of Munitions (quite a few volumes)

Map cases for Macedonia

Gallipoli maps appendices - they weren't just map cases.

Western Front 1916 Vol 1 Appendices

War in the Air - Map cases

Transportation on the Western Front Map Case

Naval Map Cases

Egypt & Palestine Vol 1 came in two parts


Occupation of the Rhineland

just to quote a few examples. There is a previous thread which fleshed out a lot of these.

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Thank You Martin,

If not "all" then "most". I searched for the previous thread but couldn't find it.

Do we have a full list someone can go to? If not, then can you add the details to the above list as a central reference.



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Thank you Tony.

One for Chris Baker. Is there the possibility of setting up a list of all the volumes of the OH on The Long Long Trail site as a central reference point? After that perhaps we can list the Commonwealth OH volumes ???



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  • 6 years later...

The Occupation of Constantinople is another Official History volume.

Was an Official History written regarding British involvement in the Russian Civil War?

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Thanks. Ah-so there are two titles - Northern Russia and Siberia dealing with the RCW. A pity no Southen Russia(Black Sea, trans-caucasus and trans-caspian region)

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An interesting discussion but all the lists are flawed. The debate should be what constituents an Official History, the list then is easier to produce, and people understand the works better.

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An interesting discussion but all the lists are flawed. The debate should be what constituents an Official History, the list then is easier to produce, and people understand the works better.

I have tried to incorporate your suggestions into my list, Martin. I think it's now incumbent on you to produce the definitive version!

I see I've now become a Lieut. Col. Does this give my pronouncements more gravitas? Doubt it!

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I have tried to incorporate your suggestions into my list, Martin. I think it's now incumbent on you to produce the definitive version!

I see I've now become a Lieut. Col. Does this give my pronouncements more gravitas? Doubt it!

First job is define what an Official History is, and that is not as simple as it seems.

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For me it means those volumes carrying the 'Official History' strapline. There are clearly many other histories of other areas of conflict which were compiled 'Officially' but were not perhaps meant to be included in the Official set. That said I promptly contradict myself as I would always expect any set to include the huge Statistics volume which doesn't include the strapline. I look to you for guidance in the matter!

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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone read the Occupation of Constantinople volume? Does it deal with events post-1918 as in assistance to the White Russians in South Russia? Particularly with establishing a depot at Batum? Or the disposition of Ex-German, Ex-Russian naval assets in the Black Sea?

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  • 2 months later...

Please may I have some help?

I'm trying to sort out a reference to a Moritz listening station at La Boisselle that picked up a fragment of a 34th British Division message at 3.45 am (2.45 am UK time) on 1 July 1916.

As a first research step, I understand it is discussed on pp 391-392 of the British Official History France and Belgium 1916 Vol 1. Does anyone have a scan of those two pages? It's a book I'd like to acquire but it's a lot of money for two pages!

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You have a PM.



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