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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

the big push


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The book that got me interested in ww1,was "the big push" by ---- gardner or gardener.Can't remember his name.I bought the book at a school fete in 1977 and it opened my eyes.Haven't seen it since,but can still remember passages clearly.Wonderful book,anybody else agree? and what was his full name?

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Brian Gardner. First published 1961. On my bookshelf but one that I have never read; must have been one that my husband had before we married. I've no idea where he got it from though.


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Hi michelle,read it when you get a minute,i haven't read it for a long time,but it made a big impression on me.The last line of the book was about old soldiers going back,"only they can feel the misery in their bones"


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This book also started my interest. My father brought it in 1961 hot off the press (wrote his name and the date in it) then passed it onto me in the early 70s. It looks dated and now compared with more recent books but it still sits in my collection and has more than sentimental value, lots of veterans must have been alive when he wrote it and he must have renewed some interest in WW1.

He also gave me "The Story of the Great War" by Donald A MacKenzie, published in the 20s I think. I quote the opening lines "In this volume the story of the Great War is told without any unnecessary emphasis on its inevitable horrors or the atrocities committed by the enemy.....". It follows the company line all the way even our reverses are turned into positive experiences. Not a book to look to for objective information but I guess it was a book for its time.


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