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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Long Trail


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I picked up this book (Written by John Brophy - published 1972) at a car boot sale for 10p some years back. A great little book that tells all the slang of the Tommy between 1914 - 18. It also includes some songs (and to be honest the songs are odd at times and out of character for the era in my opinion)

But the main bit is the slang and what it means. A great A-Z of slang and I believe the book is out of print and some cheeky sods are selling it on Amazon for £30 - but if you ever see it at a book fair, Car Boot or in a charity Shop. Get it.

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"Ditto" a very useful tome for "translating" Tommy Slang &the origins of many words still in use,The Car Boot sales are a very useful hunting ground for books~ not many dare plough through the heaps of M&B etc to find treasures such as this{& long may it continue~A box of old books is like a red rag to a Bull ~You've just got to dive in!!!}

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Bought mine new in 1969 (SMUG) and still got it. The songs may seem odd to the modern ear but since both authors actualy served in the trenches (the book was first published in 1931) I think we can assume that they are genuine.

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since both authors actualy served in the trenches (the book was first published in 1931) I think we can assume that they are genuine.

You would think that, but memories can be defective. I have seen lyrics written by old soldiers which are basically correct but some lines simply do not scan. There is no way that the words given can be shoe-horned into the tunes. This is not a criticism of this specific book, which is a valuable source.

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Reprinted recently by one the major newspapers IIRC.

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