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Newfoundland Regiment


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Is anyone aware of any books covering the Newfoundland Regiment in the Great War? I think one of Norm Christie's books covers them at Beaumont Hamel, as does the Battleground Europe volume, but I'm not aware of any book specifically about the Regiment.

Many thanks


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Norm Christie's book covers 1916-18, not just B-hamel.

try also ...

The Fighting Newfoundlander by GWL Nicholson

Memoir of a Blue Puttee by A.J.Stacey

Trail of the Caribou by R.H.Tait


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What became Of Corporal Pittman? by Joy Cave.


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Thanks Dave and Michelle - wasn't aware that the Christie covered 16-18. The Nicholson book looks like the one to look out for.


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...Amazon ...(£30)

...or £20 here...TFN


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If you can get a reprint of The Fighting Newfoundlander for £20 then that is a bargain and the book to get. A first edition would set you back at least £100 and probably a lot more. The last copy I saw was priced at 300 euros.


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Well, don't tell Mrs Rat, but the first edition on Abebooks at £65 has just been purchased!


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The Fighting Newfoundlander- Nicholson

What Became of Coporal Pitman- Cave

Trail of the Caribou- Tait

The First Five Hundred- Cramm

The Letters of Mayo Lind- Lind

Trenching at Gallipoli- Gallishaw

Memoirs of A Blue Puttee - Stacey

Lieutenant Owen Steel of the Newfoundland Regiment: Diary and Letters - Facey-Crowther

Better Than The Best: The Royal Newfoundland Regiment- Facey Crowther (covers 1775-1995)

Grand Bank Soldier: The War Letters of Lance Corporal Curtis Forsey- Riggs (ed.)

Soldier Priest - (I forget the author)

Also related to the regiment or covering the regiment during the war in minor detail:

"To Each His Own:" William Coaker and the Fisherman's Protective Union- McDonald

Your Daughter Fanny: The War Letters of Francis Cluett, VAD - Rompkey & Riggs (ed.)

As well, historical fiction about the Newfoundland Regiment:

No Man's Land - Major

The Danger Tree - McFarland

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I strongly recommend "Pilgrimage - A guide to the Newfoundland Regiment in World War One" by W. David Parsons. The book follows the regiment through its war actions in Europe, engagement by engagement and has many maps and diagrams. Extensive lists of who received honours and who is buried - and where. Includes up to date (1994) instructions to tour the Regiment's battlefield locations.


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Thanks Tom - seems like a very tricky book to get hold of - no copies anywhere as far as I can see...


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A Second edition of the Fighting Newfoundlander is avaliable in both hard and soft cover. You should be able to get a copy through the Cahpters web site as they carry it in the local Newfoundland store, and I assume would be able to order and ship it through their on-line store. You could also try ordering one through a local gift shop here in town called the Heritage Shop or The Down Homer, both have websites and both ship internationally.

As for a first edition, they are rare. It was printed by the government of Newfoundland and given as a gift to all veterns of the war, with a few extra for other sources, thus its origional distrabution was small and limited. Every now and then one comes up for sale, but as stated, it usually goes for a high price.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mentioned above:

'Soldier Priest - In the Killing Fields of Europe' - Padre Thomas Nangle Chaplain to the Newfoundland Regiment in WW1'

By Gary Browne and Darrin McGrath ISBN 097814961-0

Fr Nangle was the Roman Catholic chaplain to the Newfoundland Regiment; he was appointed in August 1916. He played a leading role in the commemoration of the fallen of the Regiment.

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I purchased mine last summer from Chapters here in Canada. It was a GREAT READ and well worth the new price for the reprint.

Here is the link:


Richard of Ontario

Newfoundlander Friend

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I was sure that one of the histories was on-line, but can't find it at the moment. What I did find was the Newfoundland Book of Remembrance digitised on the Memorial University site here:-

Newf Remem Book

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BTW, Father Nangle was an alumnus of my son's school St. Bonaventure's College. They have quite an impressive Memorial Plaque at the school. Every year the school offers a trip to France, and of course Beaumont Hamel. (My son being only in Kindergarten, we have not taken up on it yet.)

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Thanks everyone for your replies. My 1964 copy of the Fighting Newfoundlander has now arrived, and a splendid piece of work it looks too. I really do like a book with fold-out maps. If anyone else is looking for one, there are a few copies available at on-line booksellers at less than 3 figure sums...


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